Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to use the Finnish verbs 'purra' and 'purkaa'

These two verbs are probably not in your everyday vocabulary, but in case you have to talk about biting and tearing down in Finnish, here's how it goes:

purra, puren, purin, purrut - to bite

  • Älä pelkää, ei se pure. - Don't be afraid. He won't bite.
  • Ville puri mua! - Ville bit me!
  • Ei saa purra! - No biting! (It is not allowed to bite.)

purkaa, puran, purin, purkanut - to tear down and many other things

  • Miksi kaikki vanhat rakennukset aina puretaan? - Why do people always tear down all the old buildings?
  • Tämä villasukka on aivan liian pieni. Sun täytyy purkaa kaikki ja aloittaa alusta. - This wool sock is way too small. You have to unravel everything and start all over. 
  • Miksi te puritte teidän saunan? - Why did you tear down your sauna?

Notice the four important forms: in the positive past tense, the only difference is the third person consonant changepurkaa: hän purki, he purkivat. purra: hän puri, he purivat.

Kind of close to these two verbs are the nouns purkka (chewing gum) and purkki (a can, a carton).

  • Haluatko purkkaa? - Do you want some gum?
  • Missä tämän purkin kansi on? - Where's the lid to this can?

Talo, jota puretaan.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.   


  1. Oh dear. "aloud"? No connection to the verb "to allow" (it is not allowed)
    That hurts just a bit on a language-focused blog.

  2. Kiitos, Tommy! (Korjasin sen jo.)
