Sunday, September 22, 2013

Talking about the future in Finnish super easy: just use the present tense! However, here are some ways to emphasize that you are talking about the future, not present:

1. Time adverbs and conjunctions

  • Mä teen sen huomenna. - I'll do it tomorrow. 
  • Mä menen ensi viikonloppuna Helsinkiin. - I'm going to Helsinki next weekend. 
  • Mä soitan sulle, kun mä olen perillä. - I will call you when I'm there. 

2. Future verbs aikoa and meinata

  • Mä aion ostaa uuden auton. - I'm intending to buy a new car. 
  • Mitä sä meinaat tehdä huomenna? - What are you planning to do tomorrow?

3. Using a present and a perfect tense together in a sentence

  • Mä soitan sulle kun putkimies on lähtenyt. - I will call you when the plumber has left. 
  • Vastaan sinulle sitten kun olen lukenut tämän sopimuksen. - I will answer you once I've read this contract. 

4. Using the verb tulla and the MA-infinitive illative

  • Sinä tulet katumaan tätä! - You will regret this!
  • En tule ikinä antamaan sinulle anteeksi. - I will never forgive you. 
  • Kuinka monta kurssia sinulla tulee olemaan ensi syksynä? - How many courses will you have next fall?

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  


  1. I suppose "putkmies" should say "putkimies"

    Never heard "meinata" before. Sounds like it's one of those words taken from Swedish (and after a lookup Wiktionary seems to concur)

    1. Kiitos Tommy, korjasin putkimiehen. :) Joo, 'meinata' on varmaan tullut ruotsista ja on puhekielisempi kuin 'aikoa'.

  2. I remember so well that my teacher told me i cant write "mä olen“, because "mä" is puhekieli and "olen" is kirjakieli. Both of them should me same form. Only "mä oon" and "minä olen". Isn`t it?

  3. I usually say 'mä oon', but I think that in some dialects people say 'mä olen'. Turku area, perhaps?
