Kuinka usein sä käyt sun vanhempien luona? - How often do you visit your parents?
- Kerran viikossa. - Once a week.
- Kaksi kertaa kuussa. - Twice a month.
- Kolme kertaa vuodessa. - Three times a year.
- Joka kesä. - Every summer.
- Tosi harvoin. - Very rarely.
- En koskaan.- Never.
Milloin sä kävit viimeksi sun kotimaassa? - When did you last visit your home country?
- Viikko sitten. - A week ago.
- Kaksi viikkoa sitten. - Two weeks ago.
- Viime vuonna. - Last year.
- Toissa kesänä. - The summer before last summer.
- Monta vuotta sitten. - Many years ago.
Here's my Memrise course about time expressions.
About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.
Mä kävin mun kotimassa kaksi viikkoa sitten :D
ReplyDeleteMy father was Finnish but I have lived in Canada all my life and speak only English.
Can someone give me the correct pronunciation of my surname, Tuori?
Thank you.
Try here: http://www.mikropuhe.com/live/ Just type your name (or any Finnish word or phrase) into the speech bubble and click 'puhu'
ReplyDeleteThanks, this website is very nice.
ReplyDeleteThis is like a treasure