Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to use the Finnish words 'pian', 'kohta' and 'paikka'

Pian and kohta both mean soon.

  •  Mä tulen pian. - I'll come soon. 
  •  Mä lähden kohta. - I'll leave soon. 

Kohta can also be a noun:

Sometimes kohta is almost the same as paikka, but paikka has also other meanings.

  • Mikä paikka tämä oikein on? - What place is this, really?
  • Anteeksi, mutta tämä on mun paikka. - Excuse me, but this is my seat.
  • Onko teillä lasten leikkipaikkaa? - Do you have a children's play area?
  • Ei haittaa. Laitetaan siihen paikka! - It doesn't matter. Let's put a patch on it!

Oh, if you are talking to Finnish dogs and you want them to stay, the command is Paikka!

About the author of Random Finnish lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


  1. Is either "kohta" or "pian" used more often in speech (just to mean "soon")?

  2. I'd say that they are used the same amount. Mä sanoisin, että niitä käytetään yhtä paljon.
