The verb type 1 verbs that end with oa in the basic form:
- aikoa: Minä aioin kertoa sinulle. - I was going to tell you.
- sanoa: Mitä sinä sanoit? - What did you say?
- saunoa: Saunoin koko yön. - I was taking sauna all night.
- tahtoa: Mitä se tahtoi? - What did he want?
The verb type 2 verbs that end with uoda or oida:
The two-syllable verb type 1 verbs that have the vowel a in the beginning AND in the end of the verb:
- ajaa: Kuka ajoi? - Who was driving?
- alkaa: Joko se alkoi? - Did it start already?
- auttaa: Kiitos, kun autoit. - Thanks for helping.
- antaa: Kenelle sinä annoit sen? - Who did you give it to?
- jakaa: Jaoitko sinä tämän kaikille? - Did you share this with everyone?
- jaksaa: Kuinka sinä jaksoit tehdä sen? - How did you have the energy to do it?
- kaataa: Kuka tämän kaatoi? - Who pushed this over?
- kantaa: Minä kannoin sen ulos. - I carried it outside.
- laittaa: Minne mä laitoin ne avaimet? - Where did I put the keys?
- laulaa: Mitä te lauloitte? - What did you sing?
- maksaa: Tämä maksoi tosi paljon. - This cost a lot.
- saattaa: Minä saatoin olla väärässä. - I might have been wrong.
- sataa: Viime kesänä satoi joka päivä. - It rained every day last summer.
- vaihtaa: Miksi sinä vaihdoit vaatteet? - Why did you change the clothes?
More posts about the past tense:
About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.
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