Monday, April 21, 2014

yhä - edelleen - vielä

Another post trying to explain the small difference between words that are almost the same. All these words mean still.

Yhä is maybe the most old fashioned and dramatic one.

It is usually not so used in spoken language. I did some googling and found these sentences in online magazines:

  • Olemme yhä naimisissa! - We are still married!
  • Sormus on yhä sormessa. - The ring is still on the finger.

Usually people say vielä or edelleen

Notice that still can also be siltiand vielä can also be additionally or yet .

  • Tänään on vapaapäivä, mutta mulla on silti tosi paljon töitä. - Today is a day off, but I still have a lot of work to do.
  • Ottakaa vielä lisää pullaa! - Take some more pulla!
  • Ei vielä! - Not yet!

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About the author of this blog:

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. You can contact me through You can subscribe to this blog from the right-hand banner. 


  1. Hei Hanna, thank you sooo much for your great work! I just found your blog a while ago and it helps me a lot.

    So edelleen and vielä can both be used in the same cases except in those last ones.
    What about enää? Can you tell me what's the diffenence between edelleen/vielä and enää?

    Thank you a lot, Sandra

    1. Hmm.. "Ei vielä"is "Not yet" and "Ei enää" is "Not anymore." "Edelleen" is usually only used in a positive sentence.

      Here's a song with enää.:)
