Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finnish places ending with 'la'

Quite many Finnish places end with la or . Do you know these ones?

  1. anoppila
  2. asuntola
  3. kahvila
  4. kanala
  5. kauneushoitola
  6. kylpylä
  7. käymälä 
  8. mummola
  9. myymälä
  10. neuvola
  11. pesula
  12. ravintola
  13. ruokala
  14. räkälä
  15. sairaala
  16. sikala
  17. vankila

Here are the translations:

  1. anoppila = mother-in-law's place (anoppi = mother-in-law)
  2. asuntola = dormitory (asunto = an apartment)
  3. kahvila = a café (kahvi = coffee)
  4. kanala = a henhouse (kana = a chicken)
  5. kauneushoitola = a beauty salon (hoito = a care, a treatment)
  6. kylpylä = a spa (kylpy = a bath)
  7. käymälä = a (public) toilet, a restroom (käydä = to visit)
  8. mummola = grandmother's place (mummo = grandmother)
  9. myymälä = a shop, a store (myydä = to sell)
  10. neuvola = a child health center (neuvo = an advice)
  11. pesula = laundromat (pestä = to wash)
  12. ravintola = restaurant (ravinto = nutrition)
  13. ruokala = a cafeteria, usually in schools and work places (ruoka = food)
  14. räkälä = an untidy and unpleasant pub (räkä = snot)
  15. sairaala = a hospital (sairas = sick, ill)
  16. sikala = a piggery (sika = a pig)
  17. vankila = a prison (vanki = a prisoner)

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


  1. I like this sort of short and structure oriented posts :)

  2. Hei Hanna! I was wondering whats the difference between Kahvio, Kahvila, and ruokala? thank you.

    1. Hyvä kysymys! Ruokala is a place where you get mostly food, but very likely also coffee. It's not as nice as ravintola. Usually work places and schools have ruokalas. Same thing with kahvio and kahvila: kahvio is not as fancy as kahvila. I just googled both words with the word sairaala (hospital), and found matches for both combinations. In short; kahvila and ravintola are nice places open for anyone, kahvio and ruokala are more modest and usually inside of an institution.
