Friday, January 20, 2017

Mistakes to avoid in the speaking exam

Sometimes good speakers don't succeed in exams as well as they'd expect. Make sure not to make these mistakes:

  1. Puhut väärästä aiheesta. - You talk about the wrong topic.
  2. Et ymmärrä ohjeita. - You don't understand the instructions.
  3. Et sano mitään, koska pelkäät virheitä. - You don't say anything because you're afraid of mistakes. 
  4. Mietit ja kirjoitat muistiinpanoja liian kauan eikä sinulle jää tarpeeksi aikaa puhua. - You think and write down your ideas for too long and won't have enough time to speak. 
  5. Valitset liian vaikean aiheen. - You choose a topic that is too difficult. 
  6. Sinulla ei ole mitään sanottavaa. - You have nothing to say. (Practice having an opinion on everything!)

Onnea kokeeseen! - Good luck with the exam!

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


  1. Another mistake I made was to explain in English that I knew what they were asking me to talk about, I understood it all but could not communicate it in Finnish.....that did not get me through either!!

  2. Moi

    I just had my YKI test and I have the following question.

    Is it required to pass all the tasks in listening and speaking tests to get level 3?

    I am asking this question as in my speaking and listening tests I made some mistakes in some of the tasks.
