Friday, March 31, 2017

Birthday card in Finnish (and exciting easy Finnish news!)

Are you looking for a fun birthday card for a friend? Feel free to print this PDF, glue it on cardboard and circle what you want to express! You can also leave the card like it is and let your friend figure out what you maybe want to say.

Here's the exciting news: I cannot take any new private students right now until I've finished my writing projects, but I have a real book in easy Finnish coming out this summer! I've been simplifying Salla Simukka's Punainen kuin veri, and it's ready to be approved by Selkokeskus and printed. I've also put together a free Teachable online course, so that reading the easy Finnish young adult novel would be even more fun and effective. The book will most likely be sold on this Avain website, but I'll definitely advertise it here are well!

1 comment:

  1. Muista seuraavalla kerralla, kuinka upotetaan PDF Bloggeriin: Tee Bitlyssä lyhyempi linkki, klikkaa linkkiä ja valitse PDF:n oikeasta yläkulmasta "upota kohde".
