Thursday, April 20, 2017


Vastaan is a handy postposition. I'd say that these two are the most common uses. For more examples, check out Kielitoimiston sanakirja.


  • Mulla ei ole mitään sua vastaan.  - I have nothing against you.
  • Onko sulla jotain tätä vastaan? - Do you have something against this?
  • Suomi pelaa tänä iltana Ruotsia vastaan. - Finland will play against Sweden tonight.

To the direction facing the other person:

  • voin tulla asemalle vastaan. - I can come and meet you at the station.
  • kävelen sua vastaan.  - I'll walk up to meet you.
  • Kiva kun olit asemalla vastassa. - It was nice that you were waiting for me at the station..

Notice that there's also vasta, but that's another thing.
Here's a nice song about vastaanChisu: Tuu mua vastaan


  1. Just a note on terminology: In most of your examples, vastaan is postposition rather than adverb.

  2. Niinpä onkin! :) Kiitos kommentista, muokkasin tekstiä ja lisäsin samalla linkin hyvään postpositiolistaan.
