Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Finnish local endings

Here's a small table about the local endings. They are really just prepositions at the end of the word. :)

From where?

The verb expresses some kind of movement.

There is no movement in the verb. It is very often just olla, to be. And käydä!
To where?

The verb expresses some kind of movement.

Ota kirja laukusta.

(Take the book from the bag.)

Ending: STA or STÄ
Kirja on laukussa.

(The book is in the bag.)

Ending: SSA or SSÄ
Laita kirja laukkuun.

(Put the book into the bag.)

Ending: double vowel + N (usually)

on top
close by
Ota kirja pöydältä.

(Take the book from the table.)

Ending: LTA or LTÄ
Kirja on pöydällä.

(The book is on the table.)

Ending: LLA or LLÄ
Laita kirja pöydälle.

(Put the book (to) on the table.)

Ending: LLE

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  1. Of course don't expect these to always make sense from the perspective of other languages. Jäädä jollekin/johonkin (Stay into/onto somewhere- what?!) comes to mind as an example. Then there are situations where things might end up being "in the table" (pöydässä) rather than on it.

    1. Thank you for pointing that out. :) I have a small post about jäädä, and I could write something about the difference between koulussa/koululla, pöydässä/pöydällä, toimistossa/toimistolla etc.

  2. Hei! Voisitko selittää, mitä eroa on "kaupungilla" ja "kaupungissa". Kiitos etukäteen!
