Friday, August 18, 2017

New podcasts in Mixcloud

Some of you might know that I have a Mixcloud account. I basically just interview people in easy Finnish and try to make them speak a bit more calmly and with simple structures and vocabulary. The latest interviews are with my friend and with my mother. I Hope you'll enjoy listening to us! :)

Click here to listen to Tulkki ja suomen kielen opettaja - An interpreter and a Finnish teacher.

Click here to listen to Käräjätuomari - A judge of district court.

p.s. It would be super nice if you commented something after listening to the podcast! I'm actually trying to persuade real radio people to make a real podcast with me, so it would be useful to have feedback from actual listeners.:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, mixcloud does not have rss(so can't subscribe), would be nice to remind about podcasts over here also.
