Minä tiedän sen. - I know that.
Mä tiiän sen.
Luin hyvän kirjan. - I read a good book. (past tense)
Mä luin hyvän kirjan.
Ostin hänelle pienen lahjan. - I bought her a small present.
Mä ostin sille pienen lahjan.
Voisitko antaa minulle omenan? - Could you give me an apple?
Voisiksä antaa mulle omenan?
Voisitko sanoa sen uudelleen? - Could you say it again?
Voisiksä sä sanoo sen uudelleen?
Miksi sinä ostit vain yhden sipulin? - Why did you buy just one onion?
Miks sä ostit vaa yhen sipulin?
Voitko ottaa minusta kuvan? - Can you take a picture of me?
Voiksä ottaa musta kuvan?
Minä haluan koiran! - I want to have a dog!
Mä haluun koiran!
Sinä tarvitset uuden puhelimen - You need a new phone.
Sä tarviit uuen puhelimen.
Minä löysin sen! - I found it!
Mä löysin sen!
Miksi sinä myit sen? - Why did you sell it?
Miks sä myit sen?
Lähetin hänelle viestin. - I sent him a message.
Mä lähetin sille viestin.
Minä unohdin meidän tapaamisemme! - I forgot our meeting!
Mä unohdin meidän tapaamisen!
Muistitko maidon? - Did you remember the milk?
Muistiksä maidon?
Aiotko kutsua Liisan? - Are you going to invite Liisa?
Aioksä kutsuu Liisan?
Mistä sinä olet ostanut tämän? - From where have you bought this?
Mistä sä oot ostanut tän?
Ymmärsin melkein kaiken. - I understood almost everything.
Mä ymmärsin melkeen kaiken.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Very common object sentences in Finnish
Here's a list of sentences where the object is in the genitive case. All the sentences are positive. If they were negative, the object would be in partitive.
The first sentence is in standard Finnish, the second one in spoken Finnish.
I get what you are saying when you say "and the object is something that you can count." but it is still a bit dubious (and I must say confusing) statement to make about:
ReplyDelete- everything
- milk
- Liisa (15)
- it/this/that (1,5,10,11,17)
The 3rd and 4th category don't feel that unintuitive to me but the whole thing where "milks" can mean "multiple containers of milk" and thus turning milk into something countable needs that context in order to make sense.
I don't really know what to say about the "everything" here. The Kaikki/kaiket distinction is one I don't really understand yet, meaning I'm not sure how to pass "kaiken" in various contexts, but in any case, I felt the need to comment on behalf of anyone who like me, thinks: "What do you mean? One every(thing), two everies (everythings)?" when they see this word described as a countable.
Oh, I should add that it only just occurred to me that in the circumstance of ordering at like a bar or something is the one circumstance you might expect "two milks" to work. But certainly not (like in Finnish)"Can you go to the store and buy me three milks" - or more directly related to this article - "a milk" "