Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Finnish words ending with 'mus' or 'mys'

Here's a post about Finnish nouns that end with mus or mys. They behave like the other nouns ending with us or us (the kokous type), so you might want to check out my post about the s-words, too.

How many of these do you already know?
  1. aikomus
  2. elämys
  3. hakemus
  4. ilkimys
  5. katumus
  6. kertomus
  7. kokemus
  8. kysymys
  9. olemus
  10. pettymys
  11. pyrkimys
  12. sopimus
  13. uupumus
  14. vaatimus
  15. väsymys

Translations after this Canva design: 

  1. aikoa > aikomus - to intend > an intention
  2. elää > elämys - to live > an experience (as in upea, unohtumaton elämys)
  3. hakea > hakemus - to apply > an application
  4. ilkeä > ilkimys - mean > a meanie
  5. katua > katumus - to regret > regret, remorse 
  6. kertoa > kertomus - to tell > a story
  7. kokea > kokemus - to experience > an experience (as in työkokemus and uusi kokemus)
  8. kysyä > kysymys - to ask > a question
  9. olla > olemus - to be > an essence, being
  10. pettyä > pettymys - to be disappointed > a disappointment
  11. pyrkiä  > pyrkimys - to aim > an endeavour
  12. sopia > sopimus - to agree > a contract
  13. uupua > uupumus - to get exhausted > exhaustion
  14. vaatia > vaatimus - to demand > a demand
  15. väsyä > väsymys - to become tired > tiredness

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 

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