Here's a post about
laatikko, an awesome 3-in-1 word! If you are having
a traditional Finnish Christmas dinner, you just cannot avoid it. Or them. These are the three most common meanings for
laatikko = a box
- Mitä tuossa laatikossa on? - What's in that box?
- Voitko viedä tuon pahvilaatikon kellariin? - Can you take that cardboard box to the basement?
laatikko = a drawer
laatikko = a casserole, a hot dish baked in the oven
- Oletko tehnyt tämän laatikon itse? - Did you make this casserole yourself?
- Kaikkia laatikoita pitää maistaa. - One has to taste all casseroles. (Not true.)
- Tykkäätkö maksalaatikosta rusinoiden kanssa vai ilman? - Do you like the liver casserole with or without raisins? (This is a weirdly big deal for some people.)
Typical Christmas casseroles:
Other casseroles:
- liha-makaronilaatikko - casserole with macaroni and ground beef
- kaalilaatikko - cabbage casserole
- liha-perunasoselaatikko - a hot dish with leftover mashed potatoes and groud beef
Hyvää ruokahalua! - Bon appétit!
I can't seem to escape the laatikot here in Tampere!
ReplyDeleteI think a niin/noniin entry would be really helpful. :)
Liver casserole without raisins is blasphemy. And that is the truth. And I was sooo envious when we were young and your family ate liver casserole with castor sugar and a dollop of butter and we only got sour lingonberries. Great childhood memories...
ReplyDeleteLaura is a great example of "some people". :) No niin and niin, what a great idea! I just read an interesting article about 'niin' in Kielikello, so I might have to quote that.
ReplyDeleteWell, the thing is I don't like the raisins either, so I always pick them out. You can't buy the variety that doesn't have them, because that one tastes like liver..
DeleteThis is a very interesting entry!
ReplyDeleteFinnish words are not easy to remember for me so it's always nice to find 3-in-1 words.
I thought to share a couple of pics of my joulupöytä and laatikko food.
Hyvää Joulua kaikille! and thank you for the blog, I find it very useful for learning Finnish :)
Minusta lanttulaatikko on paras! :)
ReplyDeleteMaksa ja rusina? Kuulostaa oudolta... (olen kasvissyöjä.)
Talking about food gets everybody excited :)
ReplyDeleteI've only trird makaronilaatikko, and I liked it.