- aika - time, quite
- aina - always
- antaa - to give
- asia - thing, matter
- ehkä - maybe
- ei koskaan - never
- ei kukaan - nobody
- ei mikään - nothing
- eli - so, in other words
- ennen - before
- ensi - next
- ensin - at first
- eri - different
- että - that
- heti - immediately
- huono - bad
- hyvä - good
- itse - self
- ja - and
- jo - already
- joka - which, every
- joku - someone
- jopa - even
- jos - if
- joskus - sometimes
- jossa - in which
- joten - so, therefore
- jotka - which (plural)
- jälkeen - after
- kaikki - all, everybody
- kaupunki - a town, a city
- kanssa - with
- kello - a clock
- kertoa - to tell
- koko - whole, all
- koska - because, when
- koti - home
- kuin - than
- kuinka - how
- kuitenkin - however
- kun - when
- kuva - picture
- kyllä - yes, indeed
- käydä - to go, to visit
- maa - a country, a land
- mennä - to go
- mies - a man, a husband
- mikä - what
- miksi - why
- miten - how
- monta - many
- mukaan - with, according to
- mutta - but
- muu - other, else
- myös - also, too
- nainen - a woman
- niin - so, like that
- noin - like that, approximately
- nyt - now
- nähdä - to see
- näin - like this, I saw
- nämä - these
- oikea - real, right, correct
- olla - to be
- paitsi - except
- paljon - a lot, much
- pitää - to like, to have to, to keep
- pois - away
- puoli - half, side
- päivä - day
- saada - to get, to receive
- sama - same
- sanoa - to say
- se - it
- siellä - over there
- siinä - in there
- silloin - then
- sillä - because
- sitten - then, when, ago, in that case
- taas - again
- tai - or
- takaisin - back
- tehdä - to do, to make
- tila - space
- tuo - that (something you can point at)
- tulla - to come
- tämä - this
- tässä - here
- vaan - but
- vai - or
- vaikka - although, for example
- vain - only
- vielä - yet, still, furthermore
- viime - last
- voida - to be able to
- vuosi - a year
- vähän - a little
- väärä - wrong, false
- yli - over, past
- älä - don't
Welcome to my blog! I'm a private Finnish teacher who simplifies books into easy Finnish. Check out my friend Emmi's Finking Cap Club here and sign up for my newsletter here.
Friday, February 28, 2014
100 very common Finnish words
I wanted to make a post about the hundred most common Finnish words, or at least about the hundred very common words. Here's what I did: I took these lists from Wikisanakirja, put them in an alphabetical order, deleted words that didn't sound so extremely common to me, and added some random ones that I think would be useful for anyone to know. Actually, I also took out the obviously common personal pronouns to make some room. In short, this is definitely not any kind of an official list, but I kind of like it anyway, although I seem to change something every time I visit this page. :)
I should really drum "paitsi" and "vaikka" into my head. Luckily I knew all the words on this list (though I had to refresh my memory on just in which ways "tila" would mean "space")
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed at how many of these I don't know, while I know words like siili and krokotiili that I can get by quite well without using!
ReplyDeleteehkä voisi laittaa vaihtoehtoisia merkityksiä vaikka sulkuihin, ettei tule sekaannuksia. kuten: ensi (first, like ensilumi=first snow), jopa=even(meaning NOT "even distribution" but "even a child can do that"), koko=whole and all (but also size), koska=because (but also same as "milloin?"="When?" -> "Koska syödään?" = "when do we eat?" etc....
ReplyDeletemut tosi kiva blogi silti!
I'm surprised at how many of these I know already- I've been learning Finnish for exactly one month as of today, and I've found nouns are so much easier for me to memorize than other words. Anyone else feel this way?
ReplyDeleteNouns are for the most part easier cuz theres different forms but you don't usually conjugate them. (I say usually, cuz language is just a huge exception and I'd feel like I'm lying if I said otherwise, also I'm no expert) Conjugations are where the language becomes more complicated, but its also where you learn the language. Ihan kiva bloggi. Halusin tarkistaa jos ollut semmonen listi.
DeleteThis was very useful. Kiitos!
ReplyDeleteYou should totally check out this website I have been using. www.duolingo.com. I'm trying to get them to open finnish language learning course. I speak somewhat fluently...well we'll say comfortably. The courses are free and they offer an option to contribute to new courses. I know your list would be super useful.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, that is very useful!
I used this set to generate flashcards
I hope someone finds this useful
Kiitos paljon :)
DeleteVery useful. Kiitos
DeleteKiitos ope
ReplyDeleteI find your language so amazing, foreign looking and sounding, but super cool!
ReplyDeleteThe first link in your intro "http://www.privatefinnishlessons.com/" is an http address that my addon cannot find a valid https equivalent for. For that reason the add-on warns that the link is unsafe (vulnerable to several kinds of attacks). The second link is ok: "http://randomfinnishlesson.blogspot.com/2018/02/how-to-make-your-company-support-your.html". Apparantly this one it can convert to an https address without problem.
ReplyDeleteJust letting you know because people might be discouraged to opening the link if there is no https equivalent. This might cost you students.
The addon I use is called https-everywhere.
Is it better now? I tried to fix it.
ReplyDeleteCommon Finnish words 1.-25. - game: