- huono: Mä nukuin viime yönä tosi huonosti. - I slept very badly last night.
- ihana: Se laulaa niin ihanasti! - He sings so wonderfully!
- riittävä: Nuku riittävästi. - Sleep enough.
- oikea: Oikeasti? - Really?
- normaali: Normaalisti mä en polta. - I don't normally smoke.
- kaunis: Se oli kauniisti sanottu. - That was beautifully said.
- hidas: Kävellään hitaasti. - Let's walk slowly.
- terveellinen: Suomessa syödään terveellisesti. - People eat healthily in Finland.
- tavallinen: Tavallisesti mä herään kuudelta. - I usually wake up at six.
Notice how some adverbs are formed with other endings:
- väärä: Se oli väärin tehty. - That was wrongly done.
- oikea: Onko tämä oikein kirjoitettu? - Is this correctly written?
- aikainen: Heräsin aikaisin. - I woke up early.
- halpa: Sain tämän puhelimen halvalla. - I got this phone for cheap.
- kova ääni: Puhukaa kovalla äänellä. - Speak with a loud voice.
The superlative is either immin or sometimes iten. You can emphasize the superlative with kaikkein.
Hyvä has an exceptional comparison:
Some adverbs you just cannot compare.
- ahkera: Meidän täytyy opiskella ahkerasti. - We have to study hard.
- Sinä voisit opiskella ahkerammin. - You could study harder.
- Ne, joilla on suomalainen tyttö- tai poikaystävä opiskelevat yleensä ahkerimmin. - Those who have a Finnish girlfriend or boyfriend usually study the hardest.
- Minä opiskelin kaikkein ahkerimmin! - I studied the hardest of all!
- Heräsin aikaisemmin / aiemmin kuin eilen. - I woke up earlier than yesterday.
- Se oli hyvin sanottu! - That was well said.
- Ensi kerralla menee paremmin. - It will go better next time.
- Siru lauloi tänään parhaimmin. - Siru sung the best today. (Or parhaiten.)
Uncomparable adverbs
- Mä sanoin leikisti, että me ei puhuta suomea. - I was teasing/joking and said that we don't speak any Finnish. (leikki = a children's game or play)
- Mä sanoin sen vahingossa. - I said it by accident. (vahinko = accident)
- Se teki sen tahallaan! - He did it on purpose!
Hey Hanna,
ReplyDeleteA good subject for a post might be the very confusion distinction between the way the English-speaking world + Brazil use power-of-thousand words and the way the rest of the world (including Finland) use them.
Specifically all the "-oona" numerals besides miljoona will in reality be powers of 1000 higher than expected to an english speaker (for example biljoona does not equal a billion) it's probably only interesting up to the English trillion or quadrillion, as numbers bigger than that don't tend to show up in the news or statistics, but I imagine it could make a short article. (unless you already covered it and I don't remember)
Ah.. short scale and long scale.
DeleteOh my. Thanks for the idea. I'll try to come up with something with numbers. Until that you'll have this Wikipedia article:
The short rule is: Finnish -sti is about the same as English -ly. (In the example above, "riittävä" is about the same as "adequate".)
ReplyDeleteYes, riittävä is same as adequate. http://www.sanakirja.org/search.php?id=174338&l2=3