Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to use the Finnish verbs 'päästä', 'päätyä' and 'joutua'

Here's a post about three verbs that mean some sort of getting from or to a place. Päästä is a good thing, päätyä is neutral or accidental, and joutua is negative.

  • Pääsin yliopistoon! - I got into university!  (I wanted to get accepted there.)
  • Päädyin baariin. - I ended up going to a bar. (I didn't plan it.)
  • Jouduin jäämään kotiin. -  I ended up staying at home. (I didn't want to.)

päästä, pääsen, pääsin, päässyt

  • Mä pääsin Lapin yliopistoon! - I got into the University of Lapland!
  • Mihin aikaan sä pääset töistä? - At what time do you get off from work?
  • Anteeksi, mutta mä en pääse huomenna. - Sorry, but I cannot make it tomorrow. 
  • Enkö minä ikinä pääse sinusta eroon?! - Won't I ever get rid of you?!

päätyä, päädyn, päädyin, päätynyt

  • Kuinka me päädyttiin tänne? - How did we end up in here?
  • Nukahdin junaan ja päädyin Kuopioon. - I fell asleep in the train and ended up in Kuopio.
  • Olin menossa kotiin, mutta päädyin jatkoille. - I was going home, but I ended up in an afterparty.

joutua, joudun, jouduin, joutunut

  • Mä jouduin ylitöihin. - I had to stay overtime. 
  • Mä jouduin vaihto-oppilaaksi Suomeen. - I had to come to Finland as an exchange student. (And I didn't want to!!)
  • Miksi te jouduitte lähtemään niin aikaisin? - Why did you have to leave so early?

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


  1. This is really the best tutorial one could find on the net. I wish I had know the blog some few years back. Kiitos Paljon Hanna. And keep up the good work.

    Would it be possible for you to give one or two more examples? I mean,other than the example:

    Pääsin Frederikin keikalle. - I got to go to Frederik's gig!
    Päädyin Frederikin keikalle. - I ended up to Frederik's gig.
    Jouduin Frederikin keikalle. - I was forced to go to Frederik's gig.

    1. Ha ha.. kiitos! How about these ones:

      Pääsin tulemaan yksin. - I managed / got to come alone. (And it's a good thing.)
      Päädyin tulemaan yksin. - I ended up coming alone. (Neutral)
      Jouduin tulemaan yksin. - I had to come alone (Not happy).

  2. On hyvä! This make it more clear :)
    Do you say "Jouduin sun kanssa" to emphasise an unfortunate relationship (I ended up with you)?? It is bad example, but good to know.

  3. I am having a hard time with Päästä. It has something like a million uses and i am totally confused. Can you please explain it in detail?
