Here's a post about three verbs that mean some sort of getting from or to a place. Päästä is a good thing, päätyä is neutral or accidental, and joutua is negative.
- Pääsin yliopistoon! - I got into university! (I wanted to get accepted there.)
- Päädyin baariin. - I ended up going to a bar. (I didn't plan it.)
- Jouduin jäämään kotiin. - I ended up staying at home. (I didn't want to.)
päästä, pääsen, pääsin, päässyt
- Mä pääsin Lapin yliopistoon! - I got into the University of Lapland!
- Mihin aikaan sä pääset töistä? - At what time do you get off from work?
- Anteeksi, mutta mä en pääse huomenna. - Sorry, but I cannot make it tomorrow.
- Enkö minä ikinä pääse sinusta eroon?! - Won't I ever get rid of you?!
päätyä, päädyn, päädyin, päätynyt
- Kuinka me päädyttiin tänne? - How did we end up in here?
- Nukahdin junaan ja päädyin Kuopioon. - I fell asleep in the train and ended up in Kuopio.
- Olin menossa kotiin, mutta päädyin jatkoille. - I was going home, but I ended up in an afterparty.
joutua, joudun, jouduin, joutunut
- Mä jouduin ylitöihin. - I had to stay overtime.
- Mä jouduin vaihto-oppilaaksi Suomeen. - I had to come to Finland as an exchange student. (And I didn't want to!!)
- Miksi te jouduitte lähtemään niin aikaisin? - Why did you have to leave so early?
Kiiiitoooooooos ☺
ReplyDeleteThis is really the best tutorial one could find on the net. I wish I had know the blog some few years back. Kiitos Paljon Hanna. And keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteWould it be possible for you to give one or two more examples? I mean,other than the example:
Pääsin Frederikin keikalle. - I got to go to Frederik's gig!
Päädyin Frederikin keikalle. - I ended up to Frederik's gig.
Jouduin Frederikin keikalle. - I was forced to go to Frederik's gig.
Ha ha.. kiitos! How about these ones:
DeletePääsin tulemaan yksin. - I managed / got to come alone. (And it's a good thing.)
Päädyin tulemaan yksin. - I ended up coming alone. (Neutral)
Jouduin tulemaan yksin. - I had to come alone (Not happy).
On hyvä! This make it more clear :)
ReplyDeleteDo you say "Jouduin sun kanssa" to emphasise an unfortunate relationship (I ended up with you)?? It is bad example, but good to know.
I am having a hard time with Päästä. It has something like a million uses and i am totally confused. Can you please explain it in detail?