Monday, May 2, 2016

Beginner's courses in Finnish in Jyväskylä

Are you looking for a beginner's course in Finnish?  Come to Jyväskylä in July and study with me! 

I'll be organizing a beginner's Finnish course for three or four students from July 4 to July 8. We'll have four lessons of 45 minutes every day from Monday to Friday. We can discuss the time details later, but probably starting around 9.30 in the morning. After the lessons, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the city and summer activities, and also study Finnish on your own and practice with the locals. I can help you to find accommodation during your stay here, and I can also suggest fun things to do in Jyväskylä after the lessons.  

Send me an email ( and let me know something about yourself. We'll be using the text book Sun suomi, and you'll also have a short Skype session and  some homework before the course even starts.  The price of the course is 250 euros.

Another option is to come to Jyväskylä at the end of the summer and study at a Jyväskylä Summer University course from August 8 to August 18. The course fee is 390 €, and the course will be located at the university campus by the lake. 

Tervetuloa Jyväskylään opiskelemaan suomea!

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