Past tense negative:
- Miksi sinä et kertonut minulle? - Why didn't you tell me?
Perfect tense:
- Oletko sinä jo kertonut hänelle? - Have you told him already?
- En ole kertonut hänelle vielä. - I haven't told him yet.
Pluperfect tense:
- Olin jo kertonut kaiken, mutta hän halusi tietää lisää. - I had already told everything, but he wanted to know more.
- En ollut kertonut hänelle mitään, mutta hän tiesi, mitä oli tapahtunut - I hadn't told him anything, but he knew what had happened.
The NUT participle is quite easy to form: drop the infinitive ending and add NUT or NYT. In plural, it's NEET.
- (to tell) kertoa > kerto + nut > kertonut
- (to ask) kysyä > kysy + nyt > kysynyt
- (to drink) juoda > juo + nut > juonut
- (to eat) syödä > syö + nyt > syönyt
- (to go) mennä > men + nyt > mennyt
- (to study) opiskella > opiskel + lut > opiskellut
- (to walk) kävellä > kävel + lyt > kävellyt
- (to wash) pestä > pes + syt > pessyt
- (to bite) purra > pur + rut > purrut
Verb type 4:
(Notice the double n.)- (to play) pelata > pela + nnut > pelannut
- (to clean) siivota > siivo + nnut > siivonnut
- (to wake up) herätä > herä + nnyt > herännyt
Here's a post about the use of the past tenses in Finnish.
This one is about the negative past tense.
NUT participle as an adjective:
- Mihin se tuossa istunut poika meni? - Where did the boy who sat there go?
- Mikä sen äsken puhuneen miehen nimi oli? - What was the name of the man who just spoke? (Yes, the stem of puhunut is puhunee-.)
NUT participle in a referative construction:
- Tiedän hänen asuneen Helsingissä. - I know that he lived in Helsinki. (This one is more common in written language. Usually people would say Tiedän, että hän asui Helsingissä.)
If this was useful, you might also like my posts about the other participles.
Hello. My name is Eryn. I am trying to learn Finnish and after reading this post I just wanted to know how do you decide which ending to use with certain words?
ReplyDeleteHei Eryn. Finnish endings are just like English prepositions, but in a different place and attached to the word stem: