Monday, May 15, 2017

Signing up for swimming lessons and language classes (for kids)

Over the years, I have learned so many things from my private students. For example, I know a lot more about inbound marketingcat cafés and medicine than I did five years ago. Whenever I have a question about this blog or my website or anything related to internet and applications, I can ask Omid, and he has an answer to everything. One student has also affected the life of my kids, as a couple of years ago I signed them up for swimming lessons after talking so much about swimming during the Finnish tutoring. And that is the main topic of this post.:)

So, if you want to start a new hobby in the fall, now is the time to act. Usually those who have already participated in the groups get to sign up first. If there are any places left, they are given to the new swimmers (or dancers etc, depending on the hobby), and that's why it's very important to sign up as soon as the registration period starts.

Google the name of your city and uimakoulut. Notice that some Finnish towns also offer rantauimakoulut, swimming lessons in a local lake, but the water is very likely very cold until the middle of July, so I wouldn't really recommend those to anyone unless you want to wear märkäpuku (a wet suit). 

Another thing that you might be interested is oman äidinkielen opetus, mother tongue / native language classes for bilingual and multilingual kids.  Again, google the name of your town and oman äidinkielen opetus. Usually the classes are held once a week for 90 minutes, between 14.00 and 18.00.

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