Audio material + excercises
- Basic level listening exercises
- Intermediate level listening exercises
- Advanced level listening exercises
- Suomikoulujen YKI-harjoituksia (Scroll down for kuullun ymmärtäminen)
- Askelia aktiivisuuteen (Different listening exercises and texts)
- Kiitäjät kotopolulla (Material for advanced learners)
- Meillä päin Suomea (Material about Finnish dialects)
Video material, usually with subtitles
- Finking Cap Podcast
- Jutan juttuja Helsingistä (You can also read the texts)
- Opi suomea -podcast
- Elämää suomeksi -podcast
- Kahvitarinoita
- Puhutaan suomea -podcast
- My old podcast on Mixcloud
- My new podcast on Soundcloud and on Spotify
Things to read and listen to at the same time
- Selkosanomat
- Yle news in easy Finnish (The radio broadcast is the same as the text.)
- Finnish national gallery Ateneum guide in easy Finnish. Scroll down to see the paintings.
- Finnished videos and subtitles on YouTube
- Asiointisuomea (Finnish in different customer situations)
- Ykköskolumni columns on Yle website. Read the text here and listen to the podcast here.
Please leave a comment if you know other useful listening links, and I will update this post.
About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.
Kiitos ��
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