Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to actually read an easy Finnish book

Here's a post about how to actually finish (lukea loppuun) an easy Finnish novel that you have decided to read. I know that many of these tips are kind of obvious, but it can be surprisingly hard to find time for reading! (If you don't have any difficulties reading, feel free to skip the steps 3-6.) 

1. Find a book that you really want to read. 

Search books in this blog, ask for recommendations in Selkokirjalukupiiri or leave a question in this post's comments. 

2. Make sure that you know where the book is.

Keep it in your bag wherever you go, and when you come home, place it somewhere where you can see it.

3. Plan your reading.

Decide how many pages or chapters you try to read in a day or in a week.  

4. Take a look at the vocabulary in advance to get an idea what happens in each chapter. Study it more throughly after reading. 

I have Yösyöttö vocabulary in Quizlet and Juurihoito, Punainen kuin veriValkea kuin lumi and Ei kertonut katuvansa in Memrise. (I have also started a vocabulary for Musta kuin eebenpuu, but it is very small. If you are reading the book and want to contribute, please contact me.)

5. Do the exercises after you have read the chapter. 

I have questions for all my books except for Musta kuin eebenpuu. You can see the extra materials in my page (Now I feel bad for not having questions about Musta kuin eebenpuu, but I must have thought that since it's the third book of a trilogy, people manage to read it anyway.) 

6. Find somebody who is reading the same book. 

Schedule short meetings where you discuss the book in Finnish or just make sure that you're both still reading the book. 

These are my simplifications that I usually recommend for adult readers.

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About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.

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