Friday, February 14, 2020

YouTube playlist about books in easy Finnish

This is just a short post to remind my readers about the YouTube playlist that I've put together. The idea is to have short and informative videos about easy Finnish novels. My next books will hopefully be Tarhapäivä (a sequel to Yösyöttö), a collection of Aku Ankka comics and a history of Finnish language in easy Finnish.

Another thing that you might like is my easy Finnish podcast channel. Feel free to suggest topics and guests! :)

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About the author of this blog:

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti, and I am a native Finn who gives private lessons via Skype and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please leave a comment, if you have something to ask about Finnish or novels in easy Finnish.

Lue lisää selkokirjoistani:
Voit myös seurata YouTube-kanavaani ja Podcast-kanavaani.

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