Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Finnish words with a double S in the middle

Do you remember my post about the words that have a double L in the middle? Well, how many Finnish words do you know which have a double S in the middle, like in kissa, a catI hope that you like my list! All these words start with a consonant, then there's a vowel, two s's, and another vowel. 

  1. basso
  2. bisse
  3. hassu
  4. hissi
  5. lasso
  6. lossi
  7. kassi
  8. kissa
  9. kossu
  10. massa
  11. myssy
  12. mössö
  13. nössö
  14. passi
  15. pissa
  16. possu
  17. pussi
  18. pyssy
  19. pässi
  20. sissi
  21. sossu
  22. tassu
  23. tissi
  24. tossu
  25. tussi
  26. tässä
  27. vessa
Translations after this Canva picture. 

  1. basso - a base
  2. bisse - beer
  3. hassu - silly
  4. hissi - an elevator
  5. lasso - a lasso
  6. lossi - a (cable) ferry
  7. kassi - a bag
  8. kissa - a cat
  9. kossu - Koskenkorva
  10. massa - a mass
  11. myssy - beanie
  12. mössö - a mash
  13. nössö - a wimp
  14. passi - a passport
  15. pissa - pee
  16. possu - a piggy
  17. pussi - a bag
  18. pyssy - a pistol
  19. pässi - a ram
  20. sissi - a guerilla
  21. sossu - a social worker, sosiaalityöntekijä
  22. tassu - a paw
  23. tissi - a boob, rinta
  24. tossu - a slipper, an inside shoe
  25. tussi - a marker
  26. tässä - here
  27. vessa - a toilet

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  

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