Monday, September 3, 2018

Finnish words with a double L in the middle

How many Finnish words do you know which have double L in the middle, like in pallo, a ball? I hope that you like my list! All these words start with a consonant, then there's a vowel, two l's, and another vowel.
  1. halla
  2. halli
  3. hella
  4. helle
  5. hellä
  6. hillo
  7. hullu
  8. hylly
  9. höllä 
  10. jallu
  11. jolla
  12. kallo
  13. kello
  14. kolli
  15. kulli
  16. lälly
  17. löllö
  18. malli
  19. milli
  20. molli
  21. mulli
  22. mylly
  23. nalle
  24. nolla
  25. palli
  26. pallo
  27. pelle
  28. pilli
  29. pillu
  30. pulla
  31. pullo
  32. pylly
  33. pölli
  34. pöllö
  35. ralli
  36. rulla
  37. sello
  38. silli
  39. sälli
  40. talla
  41. talli
  42. tilli
  43. tulli
  44. tollo
  45. tylli
  46. tälli
  47. tölli
  48. töllö
  49. valli
  50. villa
  51. villi

Here are the translations: 

  1. halla - frost
  2. halli - a grey seal, a hall
  3. hella - a stove
  4. helle - a hot weather
  5. hellä - tender, sensitive
  6. hillo - jam
  7. hullu - crazy
  8. hylly - a shelf
  9. höllä - loose
  10. jallu - a colloquial word for jaloviina, cut brandy
  11. jolla - a small sailboat
  12. kallo - a skull
  13. kello - a clock, a watch
  14. kolli - a tomcat, a male cat
  15. kulli - a cock, a vulgar expression for a penis.
  16. lälly - wimpy, lame, soft
  17. löllö - wobbly, soft
  18. malli - a model
  19. milli - a colloquial word for a million or a millimeter
  20. molli - a minor (in music)
  21. mulli - a bull calf
  22. mylly - a mill
  23. nalle - a teddy bear, a stuffed animal
  24. nolla - zero
  25. palli - a stool, a vulgar expression for a testicle
  26. pallo - a ball
  27. pelle - a clown
  28. pilli - a straw
  29. pillu - a pussy, a vulgar expression for a vagina
  30. pulla - well, you know, pulla. 
  31. pullo - a bottle
  32. pylly - a butt
  33. pölli - a piece of wood that you burn
  34. pöllö - an owl
  35. ralli - a rally, a race
  36. rulla - a roll
  37. sello - a cello
  38. silli - a herring
  39. sälli - a dude
  40. talla - a bridge, in a musical instrument, for example the small wooden part in a violin
  41. talli - stables, a stall, a team in motor sports
  42. tilli - dill
  43. tulli - customs
  44. tollo - a dummy, a paper ball
  45. tylli - tulle, the fabric used in ballet tutus
  46. tälli - a colloquial word for a punch
  47. tölli - a small hut
  48. töllö - a colloquial word for TV
  49. valli - an embankment, a wall
  50. villa - wool
  51. villi - wild

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About the author of this Random Finnish lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 

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