Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to use the Finnish words 'tunti', 'tunne' and 'tunto

Sometimes my students thank me for the feeling (tunteesta) when they probably mean to thank for the  lesson (tunnista). Here's a post about three nouns that get mixed a lot.

1. Tunti is an hour, but also a lesson, even it would last something else than 60 minutes. 

  • nonimative: tunti, tunnit
  • genitive: tunnin, tuntien
  • partitive: tuntia, tunteja

Useful sentences:

  • Kiitos tunnista! - Thanks for the lesson!
  • Minun on vaikea keskittyä tunnilla. - It's hard for me to focus on a lesson.
  • Juoksen tunnissa kuusi kilometriä. - I run six kilometres in an hour. 

2. Tunne is a feeling or and an emotion.

  • nominative: tunne, tunteet
  • genitive: tunteen, tunteiden
  • partitive: tunnetta, tunteita

Useful sentences:

  • Se tunne, kun... - The feeling when...
  • Tiedän tunteen. - I know the feeling.
  • Eikö sinulla ole tunteita? - Don't you have feelings?

3. Tunto is a feeling, a sense. 

  • nominative: tunto, tunnot
  • genitive: tunnon, tuntojen
  • partitive: tuntoa, tuntoja

Ok, this one is not used so much, but you might need this sentence one day:

  • Minulla ei ole tuntoa oikeassa kädessäni! - I cannot feel anything with my right hand/arm!
  • Minulla on huono omatunto. - I have a bad conscience.

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About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  

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