Sanasto is made of sana and a sto suffix.
- Minun täytyy opiskella lisää sanastoa. - I have to study more vocabulary.
- Onko tämän kirjan lopussa sanasto? - Is there a vocabulary / glossary at the end of this book?
Sanavarasto is someone's personal vocabulary, a storage space of words.
- Osaan kieliopin, mutta sanavarastoni on vielä pieni. - I know the grammar, but my vocabulary is still small.
- Hänellä on todella laaja sanavarasto. - She has a very broad vocabulary.
- Haluan laajentaa sanavarastoani. - I want to expand my vocabulary.
Read more about Finnish vocabulary:
- Finnish words ending with sto
- All my posts about Finnish nouns
- Finnish vocabulary lists in Uusi kielemme website
Neat! I love that there is a word for sanavarasto.