Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A new course: Read 'Ei kertonut katuvansa' in easy Finnish

Here's something that I've wanted to try out for a while:

  • A Finnish course where we only read and write
  • A course that is early in the morning
  • A course where we'll read a novel in easy Finnish

    How does it work?

    • We'll read one easy Finnish novel in one month. 
    • We'll meet on Google Docs twice a week for 30 minutes at a time. At 7.00 in the morning. (Finnish time, UTC+2)
    • We'll never see or hear each other. (Ok, I will organize a video chat afterwards, but you don't have to come if you don't want to.)
    • We'll communicate through writing.
    • You can come and go as you want to, and you can read the notes and conversations afterwards, if you miss a class.
    • You can be as active or as passive as you want, and you can be completely anonymous, if you want to. 
    • Katso video, jolla kerron kurssista suomeksi: https://youtu.be/hiGc34D2c5E 

    The novel

    We'll read Ei kertonut katuvansa by Tommi Kinnunen. 

    Course schedule and what to read before the meetings

    1. Friday 3.3. chapters 1–5 (Read the sample pages here.)
    2. Tuesday 7.3. chapters 6–10
    3. Friday 10.3. chapters 11–15
    4. Tuesday 14.3.chapters 16–20
    5. Friday 17.3. chapters 21–25
    6. Tuesday 21.3. chapters 26–30
    7. Tuesday 28.3. chapters 30–35
    8. Friday 31.3. chapters 35–40

    Sign up by emailing me at hanna.mannikkolahti@gmail.com. I will then send you the invoice and a link to our Google document closer to the course. The price of the course is 25 €.

    Löysin kirjani
     Helsingin keskustan Akateemisesta kirjakaupasta!

    About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

    My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 

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