Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finnish words ending with 'nen'

Just like Finnish has verb types, we also have noun types. That matters when you have to add an ending after a word, because sometimes the word stems change. This post is about nouns that end with nen

 Nouns ending with nen:

  • nainen - a woman
  • ihminen - a human being
  • lautanen - a plate
  • leipominen - baking
  • siivoaminen - cleaning 
  • nukkuminen - sleeping  (Check out my post about making a verb into a noun!) 

 Adjectives ending with nen:

  • punainen - red
  • sininen - blue 
  • keltainen - yellow 
  • valkoinen - white
  • iloinen - happy
  • surullinen - sad 
  • onnellinen - happy
  • erikoinen  - special, kind of strange
  • erityinen - special, exceptional
  • ensimmäinen - the first
  • viimeinen - the last 
  • kreikkalainen - Greek
  • helsinkiläinen - a person from Helsinki
  • yksinkertainen - simple
  • kaksinkertainen - double (Check out my post about the long adjectives!)

Notice the strange partitive: suomalaista, naista, yksinkertaista

(The nen in the end becomes s, and then you add the partitive ta.

  • Rakastan suomalaista kahvia! - I love Finnish coffee!
  • En tunne tuota naista. - I don't know that woman. 
  • Tämä on yksinkertaista. - This is simple. 

Otherwise, the singular stem ends with se.

  • elative: Tykkäätkö suomalaisesta ruoasta? - Do you like Finnish food? 
  • adessive: Mun suomalaisella kaverilla on bileet. - My Finnish friend has a party.
  • essive: Pidätkö itseäsi suomalaisena? - Do you consider yourself Finnish?

Four important forms that are worth memorizing by heart:

  • nominative suomalainen: Minä olen suomalainen. - I am Finnish.
  • genitive suomalaisen: Tänään on suomalaisen musiikin päivä. - Today (8.12.) is the Finnish music's day, the day of Finnish music.
  • partitive suomalaista: Älä pakota minua kuuntelemaan suomalaista musiikkia. - Don't force me to listen to Finnish music. 
  • plural partitive suomalaisia: Onko sinulla suomalaisia kavereita? - Do you have Finnish friends? 

Common plural forms: 

  • nominative: Suomalaiset ovat täällä! - The Finns are here!
  • genitive: Olin ulkona mun suomalaisten kavereiden kanssa. - I was out with my Finnish friends.
  • partitive: En ymmärrä suomalaisia miehiä. - I don't understand Finnish men.
  • adessive: Miksi suomalaisilla hevibändeillä on niin paljon faneja Saksassa ja Etelä-Amerikassa? - Why do the Finnish heavy bands have so many fans in Germany and South America?
  • allative: Lähetin mun suomalaisille kavereille kutsun. - I sent an invitation to my Finnish friends. 

You can check out all the other forms in Wikisanakirja.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


  1. I remember one of the first patterns that I managed to make out when I got to finland was the -nen to -sen transformation and I remember thinking how odd it was that the change would occur so "far" back (as in, I thought three letters in was "far") This was before I was actually trying to learn Finnish, though.

  2. Before also I tried to find the rule to make noun from verb besides 4. infinitiivi. But it is so difficult. because even verbityypi 1 has many ways to get noun. For example

    verbityypi 1 kirjoittaa-kirjoitus,

    verbityypi 2 käydä-käynti

    verbityypi 3 epäillä-epäilys

    verbityypi 4 halata-hali

    verbityypi 5 tarvita-tarve

    Because it is very useful and helpful. Hope I can get a good answer from u . Paljon kiitoksia .

  3. Oh my.. I have to study that and get back to the topic! :) I've never thought about the verb types from this point of view. Here's a link that you might find interesting:
    Especially the point 7)Teonnimet.

    For anybody interested in word formation, 'Miten sanoja johdetaan' by Anneli Brown, Anna-Liisa Lepäsmaa and Leena Silfverberg is a good book.

    1. before I collect many verb ,but i lose the paper. i have found some rules....pity pity

    2. Today I borrowed this book from libary. It is wonderful book, so I cant stop reading it . I already read 20 pages. Thanks so much ...

    3. Hyvä, Aiko! :) Munkin pitäisi ostaa se kirja itselleni.

    4. Kannata ostaa Se on halvin. Hinta on 32.20 €, ilmainen toimitus. En minä tarvitse ostaa sitä. Haluaisin ostaa <> ensin. :) Mun kirjanostoslista on täynnä.

  4. I think punainen is derived from puna.
