Sunday, October 14, 2018

Talking about lips in Finnish

I was reading one of my upcoming easy Finnish novels with a student, and we talked a bit about the word äänihuulet, vocal cords. Ääni is a voice, and huulet is lips. Here's a list of other Finnish words with huulet. How many of them do you know?

  1. huulet
  2. huulikiilto
  3. huuliharppu
  4. huulipuna
  5. huulirasva
  6. huulivoide
  7. häpyhuulet
  8. äänihuulet

Translations after this huuliharppu picture by Clas Ohlson:

  1. huulet  - lips
  2. huulikiilto - lip gloss (kiiltää = to shine)
  3. huuliharppu - a harmonica (harppu = a harp)
  4. huulipuna - a lipstick (puna = red)
  5. huulirasva -  lip balm (rasva = grease, fat)
  6. huulivoide - lip balm (voide = lotion)
  7. häpyhuulet - labia
  8. äänihuulet - vocal chords

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About the author of this blog:  

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti, and I am a native Finn who gives private lessons via Skype and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please leave a comment, if you have something to ask about Finnish or novels in easy Finnish.

Lue selkokirja. Se voi olla yllättävän helppoa ja kivaa!

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