Friday, August 10, 2018

Finnish words with 'esi' in the beginning

Just a little list of words that start with esi.

  1. esihenkilö
  2. esiin 
  3. esiintyjä
  4. esiintyä
  5. esi-isä
  6. esikatselu
  7. esikoulu
  8. esikuva
  9. esileikki
  10. esillä
  11. esimerkki
  12. esimies
  13. esinahka
  14. esine
  15. esipesu
  16. esite
  17. esitellä
  18. esitelmä
  19. esittely
  20. esittää
  21. esittäytyä
  22. esitys

Here are the translations:

  1. esihenkilö - a boss, one person higher than you
  2. esiin (or esille) - out, on sight, in the open 
  3. esiintyjä - a performer
  4. esiintyä - to perform
  5. esi-isä - an forefather
  6. esikatselu - a preview
  7. esikoulu - a preschool (The first compulsory year of education in Finland, usually organized in daycares but sometimes also in elementary schools.)
  8. esikuva - a role model
  9. esileikki - foreplay
  10. esillä - exposed, on display
  11. esimerkki - an example
  12. esimies - a foreman, a boss
  13. esinahka - a foreskin
  14. esine - an object
  15. esipesu - a pre-wash cycle
  16. esite - a brochure
  17. esitellä - to introduce
  18. esitelmä - a presentation, often in a school
  19. esittely - an introduction, a showing like asuntoesittely, a property showing
  20. esittää - to present, to pretend to be something
  21. esittäytyä - to introduce yourself
  22. esitys - a presentation, also a theatre show

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 


Tommy Quist said...


Though in English "foreplay" is not a countable noun, so it shoudln't have an article in this case.

Random Finnish Lesson / Hanna Männikkölahti said...

Kiitos! Korjasin.