- kurssi
- tunti
- luento
- luokka
1. Kurssi is a course.
Notice that it takes the external endings: kurssilla, kurssilta, kurssille - in the course, from the course, to the course.
- Me ollaan samalla kurssilla. - We are in the same course.
- Kuinka monta kurssia sulla on tänä syksynä? - How many courses are you taking this fall?
- Onko teidän kurssilla kivoja ihmisiä? - Are there nice people in your course?
2. Tunti is an hour, but it is also used when referring to a class, lesson or a lecture - even if it would last less or more than an actual hour.
Oppitunti is the more formal form of the word.
- Nähdään ruotsin tunnin jälkeen! - See you after the Swedish class!
- Mitä te teitte viime tunnilla? - What did you do in the last class?
- En pääse tänään tunnille. - I can't make it to the class today.
3. Luento is used for a lecture when there's actually a person lecturing while the class is quite passively listening.
(Notice that luonto is nature, and luonne is personality)
- Älä myöhästy luennolta! - Don't be late for the lecture!
4. Luokka is both the classroom, a group of people in a school, and a grade/year.
- Tässä luokassa haisee kummalliselta. - It smells weird in this classroom.
- Miksi me ollaan taas eri luokassa? - Why are we in a different classroom again?
- Me oltiin samalla luokalla lukiossa. - We were in the same class in high school.
- Kuinka monta oppilasta teidän luokalla on? - How many pupils are there in your class?
- Meidän luokalla on 20, mutta venäjän ryhmässä on vain kymmenen. - There's 20 in our class, but only ten in the Russian group.
- Millä luokalla sinä olet? - Which grade/year are you?
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About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.
Continuing to love...and be very helpful. Lately we are studying "pluskvamperfekti" - help!!! Please.
ReplyDeleteKiitos palojn. Voisitko selittää sanojen eron: lähellä, vieressä ja luona. Kiitos etukäteen
ReplyDeletelähellä = close by
DeleteÄlä ole niin lähellä. - Don't be so close.
vieressä = next to
Kenen vieressä sä haluat istua? - Who do you want to sit next to?
luona = at, by, at someone's home.. this one has more meanings.
Kenen luona sä olit? - At whose place where you?
Miksi sä et ole lasten luona? - Why aren't you with the kids?