Saturday, September 23, 2017

Talking about different groups in Finnish

Do you know the difference between these words that mean some kind of a group in Finnish?

  1. jengi: Kiva, kun jengi diggaa!
  2. joukkue: Meidän joukkue oli paras!
  3. porukka: Mikä porukka te oikein olette?
  4. ryhmä: Meidän ryhmä voi aloittaa.
  5. tiimi: Kuinka monta koodaajaa teidän tiimissä on?
  6. luokka: Meidän luokka on tosi kiva.

Here are the definitions:

  1. jengi - a gang. Jengi can be a criminal gang, but it can also be a group of friends or fans.
  2. joukkue  - a (sports) team
  3. porukka - a group of people, often used in spoken language. In some dialect, porukat means parents.
  4. ryhmä - a group, can be people or things.
  5. tiimi - a team, often at work. A loan word from the English team.
  6. luokka - a group of school students, but also a class room.

Here are the translations:

  1. Kiva, kun jengi diggaa! - It's nice that people like (me)!
  2. Meidän joukkue oli paras! - Our team was the best!
  3. Mikä porukka te oikein olette? - What (kind of a) group are you?
  4. Meidän ryhmä voi aloittaa. - Our group can start.
  5. Kuinka monta koodaajaa teidän tiimissä on? - How many coders do you have in your team?

Ryhmä Hau. Hau is what a dog says in Finnish.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here.

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