Thursday, March 14, 2019

How to look in Finnish

Here's a post about different verbs that express some kind of looking. How many of these do you already know?

  1. katsella
  2. katsoa
  3. mulkaista
  4. mulkoilla
  5. nähdä
  6. silmäillä
  7. tuijottaa
  8. vilkaista
  9. vilkuilla

Sentences with the verbs:

  1. Ei kiitos, en tarvitse apua. Minä vain katselen. - No thank you, I don't need any help. I'm just looking around.
  2. Katso tuonne! - Look over there!
  3. Äiti mulkaisi minua vihaisesti. - Mother glared at me angrily.
  4. Miksi tuo tyyppi mulkoilee meitä? - Why is that person scowling at us?
  5. Minä en ole vieläkään nähnyt Titanic-elokuvaa. - I still haven't seen the Titanic movie. 
  6. Mä vain silmäilin teksin läpi. En lukenut sitä huolellisesti. - I just skimmed through the text. I didn't read it thoroughly.  
  7. Ei saa tuijottaa! - Don't stare! (Staring is not allowed.)
  8. Voitko vilkaista tätä, kun sinulla on aikaa? - Can you take a look at this when you have time?
  9. Hän vilkuili taakseen hermostuneesti. - He kept glancing behind nervously.


  1. katsella - to look around, to browse
  2. katsoa - to look
  3. mulkaista - to glare once
  4. mulkoilla  - to scowl
  5. nähdä - to see
  6. silmäillä - to skim, to browse
  7. tuijottaa - to stare
  8. vilkaista - to take a quick look
  9. vilkuilla - to keep glancing

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p.s. Have you read my Töissä Suomessa posts? I'm really excited that so many people have wanted to share their expteriences!

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

1 comment:

  1. Great! Very helpfu. I am planning to take some Finnish lessons from you in future.
