Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Expanding your Finnish vocabulary with Gettomasa rap songs

If you like Finnish rap, or if you have kids in Finland, you have probably heard of Gettomasa. 

If you listen to the songs on Spotify, you can usually read the lyrics at the same time. Notice that depending of the source, the spelling might vary as in grindata/graindata or with other loan words from English. 

I have a post about spoken Finnish, but understading rap lyrics might require more specific vocabulary. Urbaani sanakirja is great, and you might also want to check out the grammar of swearing in Finnish

The words on the list are from these songs: 

Gettomasa Jyväskylässä 12.7.2023.
Kello on viisitoista yli yksitoista, 
ja ulkona on näin valoisaa.


  1. duuni
  2. chanssi
  3. hima
  4. jengi
  5. jäbä
  6. kiesi
  7. kundi
  8. lande
  9. leija
  10. luuri
  11. massi
  12. meitsi
  13. muija
  14. plääni
  15. rafla
  16. rundi
  17. skidi
  18. Stadi
  19. yläfemma



  1. ballata
  2. chillata
  3. delata 
  4. fiilata
  5. grindata
  6. heitata
  7. koodata
  8. repata
  9. rokata
  10. smoukata
  11. tsiigata
  12. venata

Adverbial phrases

  1. tikissä
  2. mintissä
  3. messissä

Here are the translations. I hope I got them right. :)


  1. duuni - work
  2. chanssi - a chance
  3. hima - home
  4. jengi - a gang, people
  5. jäbä - a boy, a man
  6. kiesi - a car
  7. kundi - a boy, a man
  8. lande - countryside, or a person from there
  9. leija - a boaster, very nice, probably also very expensive (Normally leija is a kite. It can also be a fart, but in rap songs, it probably isn't.) 
  10. luuri - a phone
  11. massi - money
  12. meitsi - me, I
  13. muija - a woman, a girl (but not everyone likes this, so be careful if using it. If you want to talk about your girlfriend, here are some options.)
  14. plääni - a plan
  15. rafla - a bar, a restaurant
  16. rundi - a tour, a round
  17. skidi - a kid, a child
  18. Stadi - Helsinki, Helsinki city center
  19. yläfemma - a high five


  1. ballata - to spend a lot of money
  2. chillata - to chill
  3. delata - to die
  4. fiilata - to feel, to like, to know the feeling
  5. grindata - to work hard
  6. heitata - to hate
  7. koodata - to message
  8. repata - to represent
  9. rokata - to rock, to wear something
  10. smoukata - to smoke
  11. tsiigata - to look
  12. venata - to wait

Adverbial phrases

  1. tikissä - in good shape
  2. mintissä - in mint condition, in good shape (I have no idea which one is better.)
  3. messissä - along, with

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About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.

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