Thursday, July 27, 2023

Numeroruuhka - a novel in easy Finnish

Have you read the easy Finnish novels Yösyöttö, Tarhapäivä, or Hammaskeiju? Or perhaps all of them? The fourth part of the series, Numeroruuhka, was just published in easy Finnish! The original novels are written by Eve Hietamies.

Here's the landing page of the book:
You can buy the book directly from me here:  

The name of the novel might require a bit of explanation: numero is a number, and ruuhka is a traffic jam. In this novel, numeroruuhka refers to the presence of too  many people in certain situations in Antti's life. The other titles of the series are Yösyöttö - a night-time feedingTarhapäivä - a day in day care and Hammaskeiju - a tooth fairy.

A cover of the simplified version of Eve Hietamies' Numeroruuhka novel. A purple book with a picture of two men and a boy watching television.
Cover of the book

In short, the story continues to follow Antti Pasanen and his son Paavo. Antti still works as a journalist, and Paavo is already 10 years old.  However, new challenges arise in Antti's life: change negotations at work, having to take care of his own father, and problems with his own health. The book blends humor with darker elements, and it will definitely teach you useful vocabulary and expressions to use in your own life. 

Back cover text of the book: Neljäs kirja Antti ja Paavo Pasasesta!  Toimittaja Antti Pasanen pärjää hyvin 10-vuotiaan Paavo-poikansa kanssa,  mutta nyt hänellä on edessään uusi rooli  oman isänsä hoitajana.   Lisäksi Antin työpaikalla on muutosneuvottelut, Pipo-koira karkaa,  ja tyttöystävä Enni haluaa tauon.   Miten Antti selviää uusista haasteistaan? Voiko Antilla ja Ennillä olla yhteistä tulevaisuutta?  Eve Hietamiehen Numeroruuhka on itsenäinen jatko-osa  Yösyötölle,Tarhapäivälle ja Hammaskeijulle. Selkomukautuksen on tehnyt Hanna Männikkölahti,  ja selkokirjassa on Ina Majaniemen kuvitus.
Back cover of the book

Antti is still together with Enni, but things are not going very well between them. The main characters of the book are mostly the same as in the previous novels. 

List of characters

The novel is written in easy Finnish. While the story and atmosphere remain the same as in the original novel, the language has been simplified, and certain details, characters, and side plots have been omitted. The layout follows the easy language standars, with the right side of the column intentionally left uneven. 

Ina Majaniemi's illustration
Notice the the layout, where the right side of the column is uneven.

Numeroruuhka is illustrated by Ina Majaniemi. It was so much fun to plan which parts of the story would be illustrated! This is already the seventh easy Finnish novel of mine that Ina has illustrated.

A picture from the Numeroruuhka novel: Three men sitting ouside of a sauna, cooling off.
This is my favourite picure in the book!

Useful links related to Numeroruuhka

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

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