I'm going to take the intermediate YKI exam in Swedish this year. My goal is to pass it, and maybe even get 4s. Most importantly, I want to feel confident in my Swedish when I travel to Sweden next fall.
My newest easy Finnish adaptation Banaanitalo is about to be published very soon, and I’ll have some promoting to do among the Swedish Finns (ruotsinsuomalaiset). I'll be talking about the book in Finnish, but in other situations, I want to use Swedish instead of English.
What is Superhabits?
I just heard about this super cool habits website from my student who designed it, and I’m inviting you to use it with me! In short, you can set your own habits and decide how many times a week you want to follow them. You can keep your habits private or turn it into a friendly competition by sharing them with others.
These are my habits for studying Swedish. You can use the same habits tracker for Finnish.
- Kuuntele musiikkia joka päivä. - Listen to music every day.
- Lue ainakin 15 minuuttia kuutena päivänä viikossa - Read at least for 15 minutes six days a week.
- Katso tai kuuntele uutiset viitenä päivänä viikossa. - Watch or listen to the news five days a week.
- Kuuntele podcastia kahtena päivänä viikossa - Listen to a podcast two days a week
- Osallistu keskusteluun (puhu tai kirjoita) kerran viikossa - Participate in a conversation (speak or write) once a week (As you can see, I'm mostly focusing on my receptive skills at this point, but feel free to create different habits for yourself.)
www.superhabits.fyi |
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