Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How to use the Finnish words 'viedä', 'tuoda', 'ottaa' and 'hakea'

What's the difference between these four verbs? In short, viedä is to take somewhere, tuoda is to bring, ottaa is to take and hakea is to get (and some other things, too). I hope that these examples are useful:

Viedä, vien, vein, olen vienyt

  • Voisitko viedä roskat ulos? - Could you take the trash out, please?
  • Mitä sä aiot viedä niihin sun kaverin juhliin? - What are you going to bring to your friend's party?
  • Vie se laatikko jonnekin muualle. - Take the box somewhere else. 
  • Mä voi viedä sut sinne. - I can take you there. 

Tuoda, tuon, toin, olen tuonut

  • Tuo mulle kaupasta jotain hyvää! - Bring me something good from the store!
  • Toivottavasti joku tuo sipsejä! - I hope that somebody will bring potato chips! 
  • Minä toin olutta. - I brought beer. 
  • Ei tarvitse tuoda mitään. - No need to bring anything. 

Ottaa, otan, otin, olen ottanut

  • Älä ota sitä! - Don't take it!
  • Otetaan taksi. - Let's take a taxi. 
  • Saa ottaa. - Feel free to take. 
  • Se on ottanut liikaa. - He's taken too much (alcohol).

Hakea, haen, hain, olen hakenut

  • Minun pitää hakea lapset päiväkodista. - I have to pick up the kids from the daycare .
  • Voitko hakea postit? - Could you get the mail?
  • Voitko hakea mut neljältä? - Can you pick me up at four?

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow thank you so much Op Hanna ,was confused but going through your write up i am greatful for the lessons .Thank you so much