Monday, February 17, 2025

An online course in Finnish: Read 'Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen' in March

Reading an easy Finnish book can be quite challenging, even if the book is super interesting and written in easy-to-understand language. 

I'm happy to let you know that I have designed a small course to help and encourage you to read Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen in easy Finnish in March!

Content of the course

During the course, you will

  • read an entire book in Finnish.
  • learn new words and grammar structures, and probably also something about motorsports.
  • develop good reading habits so that you can read more books.

The course includes
  • pre-recorded videos by me, discussing the book and reading aloud a couple of chapters each week.
  • a Finnish-English vocabulary on Memrise
  • Kimi-related videos from YouTube
  • multiple choice questions about the book
  • chatting about the book in a closed Telegram group as much as you want :)
  • Two meetings on Zoom, held on Sunday evenings at 8 pm Finnish time
    • March 9, when everybody has already started to read the book
    • April 6, when everybody has hopefully finished the book

Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen.
 Original version by Kari Hotakainen,
easy Finnish version by me. 
You can read a sample of the book here. 

The price and how to sign up for the course

  • The price of the course is €40.  If you sign up  by February 23, the price is €35.
  • Send me an email at to sign up for the course. 
  • I will send you an invoice and share the course material with you on Google Drive. 
  • You can also pay with ePassi or Edenred.
  • You can borrow the book from the library or buy it through
  • Registration ends on February 28th. 


Luetaan yhdessä Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen 

Selkokirjan lukeminen voi olla hankalaa, vaikka kirja olisi kuinka kiinnostava ja sopivan tasoista kieltä. Olen suunnitellut opiskelijoiden tueksi pienen kurssin, joka auttaa ja kannustaa lukemaan Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen -selkokirjan maaliskuun aikana. Kurssissa on etukäteen kuvattuja videoita, parhaita paloja Kimi Räikkösen elämästä, tehtäviä, keskustelua suljetussa Telegram-ryhmässä ja kaksi Zoom-tapaamista.

Zoom-tapaamiset ovat sunnuntai-iltaisin klo 20.00
  • 9.3., kun kaikki ovat jo aloittaneet lukemisen
  • 6.4., kun kaikki ovat toivottavasti lukeneet kirjan loppuun

Hinta ja ilmoittautuminen

  • Kurssi maksaa 40 €. Jos ilmoittaudut viimeistään 23.2, kurssin hinta on 35 €.
  • Lähetä minulle sähköpostia ja ilmoittaudu kurssille.
  • Lähetän sinulle laskun ja jaan kurssimateriaalin Google Drivessä. 
  • Voit maksaa myös ePassilla tai Edenredillä. 
  • Voit lainata kirjan kirjastosta tai ostaa sen kautta. 
  • Ilmoittautuminen loppuu 28.2.

Tervetuloa kurssille!

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Case by Case Online Finnish Course by Finking Cap

Would you like to master the Finnish case system? In a fun way, with a wonderful teacher?

My friend and colleague Emmi Seppälä from Finking Cap Club has put together an amazing course with 127 video lessons. Click here to read a detailed course syllabus and watch an introduction video. If you buy the 79 euro course through my affiliate link, I'll get a small commission. 

Thank you for reading this, and perhaps also supporting two independent entrepreneurs! :)

Read my previous posts about Emmi and Finking Cap:

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Finnish adjectives with an intensifying prefix

How can Finnish adjectives be intensified with a prefix? 

First, here's a list of adjectives and adverbs. Do you know which prefix would be appropriate with each?

  1. auki - open
  2. hiljaa - quietly
  3. kuiva - dry
  4. kuuma - hot
  5. kylmä - cold
  6. musta - black
  7. märkä - wet
  8. outo - strange
  9. pimeä - dark
  10. suomalainen - Finnish
  11. tyhjä - empty
  12. tiessään - gone, away
  13. täysi - full
  14. uusi - new
  15. yksin - alone
  16. valkoinen - white
  17. vanha - old
  18. viimeinen - the last

These are your prefix options: 

  • apposen ___
  • jää- (ice)
  • hiiren ___ (mouse's)
  • hipi-
  • iki-
  • liti-
  • läpi- (through)
  • tipo-
  • tuli- (fire)
  • typö-
  • ruti-
  • supi-
  • sysi-
  • pilkko-
  • täpö-
  • uppo- 
  • upo-
  • ypö-
  • viho-
  • viti-

A list of adjectives. The same adjectives are on the main text.

Here are the correct adjectives: 

  1. apposen auki
  2. hipihiljaa, hiiren hiljaa
  3. rutikuiva
  4. tulikuuma
  5. jääkylmä
  6. sysimusta
  7. litimärkä, läpimärkä
  8. uppo-outo
  9. pilkkopimeä
  10. supisuomalainen
  11. typötyhjä
  12. tipotiessään
  13. täpötäysi
  14. upouusi
  15. ypöyksin
  16. vitivalkoinen
  17. ikivanha
  18. vihoviimeinen

Read more: 

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Customer magazines in Finnish

Here's a list of customer magazines (asiakaslehti) in Finnish. You can pick up the actual paper magazine from the store or read it online. 

Click on näköislehti, if you want to read the online version laid out like the actual magazine. 

Free customer magazines in Finnish

  • I will add more later. Leave a comment, if you know a good one!

I'll be teaching on an intensive winter course soon, and I can't wait to read these magazines with my students! If you're interested in intensive summer courses, there's one here in Jyväskylä. 

If you prefer to read something in selkokieli, take look at my post Things to read in easy Finnish.

Kuvassa on Etiketti-lehden kansi ja kuva sivusta, jolla on erilaisia dippikastikkeita. Lisäksi kuvassa on sanaristikko

Etiketti-lehti has many food-related articles and a crossword puzzle!

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Friday, December 20, 2024

Which easy Finnish books to buy?

Would you like to buy a book in easy Finnish for yourself or for someone special, but you're not sure where to start? Here are very short descriptions of all the books currently available in my online store

These are the nine books that you can buy directly from me.
Five of my books are already out of print,
but you can borrow them from the library. 

Kari Hotakainen: Tuntematon Kimi Räikkönen 

  • A Finnish writer followed and hung out with Formula 1 driver Kimi Räikkönen for a year and wrote a book about his life.
  • 120 pages

Miika Nousiainen: Juurihoito

  • A story about two Finnish brothers traveling through Finland, Sweden, Thailand, and Australia in search of their father. 
  • Some of the main characters (Esko and Sari) are really funny, making this the book most likely to make you giggle among those on this list. 
  • 193 pages

Lari Kotilainen: Kielen elämä

  • A non-fiction book about the history of the Finnish language
  • 123 pages
  • Illustrated by Ina Majaniemi

Eve Hietamies: Yösyöttö, Tarhapäivä, Hammaskeiju and Numeroruuhka

  • Yösyöttö: Antti's son Paavo is born. Antti's wife faces challenges and ends up leaving him. 148 pages.
  • Tarhapäivä: Paavo is 5 years old and goes to daycare. In addition to Paavo, Antti also takes care of his friend's daughter, Terttu, and his ex-wife. 178 pages.
  • Hammaskeiju: Paavo is seven and starts school. Antti deals with his brother Janne's drama and gets a dog. 160 pages.
  • Numeroruuhka: Paavo is 10 years old. Antti struggles with his job, father, health, and girlfriend. 160 pages.
  • The series is great for anyone who wants to read about family, friends and work life in Finland. There are also happy moments, and even sex! 
  • Illustrated by Ina Majaniemi

Siri Kolu: Me Rosvolat

  • 10-year-old Vilja is kidnapped by a band of robbers. They travel around Finland, causing mischief and behaving badly.
  • A novel for children, but entertaining for adults as well.
  • 111 pages
  • Illustrated by Ina Majaniemi

Tommi Kinnunen: Ei kertonut katuvansa

  • Five Finnish women walk home from Norway during the spring of 1945.
  • If you read this one, make sure to borrow Pertti Rajala's Jatkosota from the library.
  • 187 pages
  • Illustrated by Ina Majaniemi

Lue lisää: 

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here