Friday, November 30, 2018

Finnish loanwords

Here's a post about Finnish words that are clearly loanwords from other languages. Leave a comment if you have something to add or ask. I assume that you can understand the meaning, so I don't have translations in this post. I know there are more, but I chose the ones that should be quite easy to understand if you know English.

Nouns ending with i:
  1. alkoholi
  2. banaani
  3. baletti
  4. bussi
  5. diktaattori
  6. elefantti
  7. enkeli
  8. fontti
  9. greippi
  10. helikopteri
  11. helvetti
  12. hippi
  13. instrumentti
  14. intressi
  15. kirahvi
  16. kondomi
  17. konsertti
  18. korsetti
  19. krokotiili
  20. kuppi
  21. lasi
  22. makaroni
  23. mandariini
  24. margariini
  25. materiaali
  26. meikki
  27. metalli
  28. ministeri
  29. musiikki
  30. pankki
  31. paperi
  32. paratiisi
  33. parketti
  34. penkki
  35. pippuri
  36. poliisi
  37. posti
  38. presidentti
  39. raketti
  40. riisi
  41. salaatti
  42. sikari
  43. sokeri
  44. stressi
  45. tamponi
  46. taksi
  47. teatteri
  48. tenori
  49. tiikeri
  50. tomaatti
  51. trumpetti
  52. saksofoni
  53. silkki
  54. simpanssi
  55. seksi
  56. viini

Adjectives ending with i:
  1. absurdi
  2. brutaali
  3. neutraali
  4. normaali
  5. perverssi

Nouns ending with o:
  1. altto
  2. auto
  3. basso
  4. disko
  5. kilo
  6. metro
  7. museo
  8. pallo
  9. radio
  10. sello
  11. televisio

Nouns ending with a:
  1. demokratia
  2. gorilla
  3. gramma
  4. kitara
  5. lista
  6. paprika
  7. planeetta
  8. seepra
  9. teema
  10. tupakka

Nouns ending with u:
  1. harppu
  2. hattu
  3. ruusu
  4. viulu

For verbs, check out my post about verb type 4.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  

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