Sunday, November 11, 2012

Information about the YKI test

Many foreigners end up taking the YKI test at some point of their lives. Most often the test level is intermediate, because that is one of the ways to prove your language skills when applying for the Finnish citizenship.

General info

Books and printable material

Reading books in easy Finnish is a great way to learn new vocabulary! 

Websites and online courses 

Blog posts 

The following is my rough translation of the instructions for the test participants, with some additions of my own. 

Before the exam:

  • Listen and speak Finnish as much as you can. Practice and review the basics.
  • Be aware that the instructions of the exam are in Finnish.
  • Choose the date of the test, where you want to take it and sign up. 
  • Pay the exam fee. 
  • Make sure you'll have a pencil, eraser and an official ID document with you in the test. No dictionaries.
  • Rest and eat well before the exam. It will be a long day, though you will be able to eat and use the bathroom between the parts of the exam.
  • You might want to take a wrist watch with you to the exam, if it makes you comfortable to know exactly how many minutes or seconds you have left to speak or prepare for the task. 

In the exam:

  • Be on time. If you arrive late, you cannot attend the exam. Show your ID to the supervisor. The basic and intermediate level exams take 3,5 - 4 hours and the advanced level test will be about 5-6 hours.
  • The exam takes place in two parts: Reading comprehension and writing in a classroom, and speaking and listening comprehension in a language studio.
  • Don't be shy in the language studio. Speak clearly and loudly. Avoid short yes/no answers, though it is important to always say something. An actual human being will listen and evaluate your performance a couple of weeks later, so it's important that s/he can hear your voice instead of the person sitting next to you.
  • Listen and read the instructions carefully and do what you are asked to do. Use your time wisely so that you'll have time to do all the tasks.
  • Do the easy tasks first so you'll have time for the difficult ones.  Don't leave any blanks.

After the exam:

  • You'll get the certificate approximately in two months. There's important information on both sides of the certificate, so if you're taking copies, make sure to copy both sides. 

Good luck with the exam! Onnea kokeeseen! 

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in online private lessons.
Here are all the posts I've written about Yki.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here 


Unknown said...

Thanks... Do u know how may we know the result? i mean is there anyway of knowing it faster than the mail comes to your house?

Anonymous said...

Good info.for everyone who is going for YKI test. Wishing all good luck!
I have given my exam on April 6th 2013. Fingers crossed and waiting for the results.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I gave the exam at 6th April 2013. I passed it, I am so happy....

Hanna said...

Jee, onneksi olkoon! :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Hanna, thank You so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi, i used this site as reference when i was preparing for YKI test and i passed:) thanks so much for this wonderful tutorials!

Random Finnish Lesson / Hanna Männikkölahti said...

Vau, onneksi olkoon! Tosi kiva kuulla, että tästä blogista on ollut hyötyä. :)

Nick O. said...

My yki-test went well too. Thanks a lot :)

I wrote a summary in here:

Anonymous said...

I am having a test this coming sat. felt nervous :(. Any tips for the usually Q's?

Hanna said...

Sorry, I don't have any tips. Sleep well before the exam! :)

Anonymous said...

So I'm going to do the test tomorrow (invitation came during my vacation) and on it says that I got two papers when I applied for it (no I didn't) and that I should read them before the test. Any idea what that could be? I've given up on finding that info online... Thanks in advance!

Hanna said...

Oh no, I don't. Just remember to have your ID with you, and a pencil etc. Onnea kokeeseen!

Anonymous said...

HI Hanna! i am plannig to take YKI test in near future...have been reading your is very helpful thanks...could you please add more sample material for writing. it would b great.thanks

Hanna said...

The book Harjoitus tekee mestarin 4 has really good writing samples at the end of the book.

Anonymous said...

I took the YKI testi last October 20, 2014 after studying Finnish in Salpaus Lahti for 3 months only Monday - Friday. Before that I just studied by myself for 2 months. My Finnish husband prefers to only speak to me in English hence it felt really difficult to learn. Anyway, I received the post from Jyväskylän Yliopisto today and I passed got 3 p. ymmärtäminen - 4 puhuminen - 3 tekstin ymmärtäminen - 4 kirjoittaminen. I am so over the moon right now ! I never thought it is possible to pass the YKI testi considering my Finnish socialization skills is next to none :-)

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone failed the test? sounds everyone passed and everyone I know who actually took the test all passed

Anonymous said...

Hello! Do you know how long the texts in the kirjoittaminen part are supposed to be? I can't find this information anywhere.

Unknown said...

Could you give me some links and tips to practice writing AND tips to listen better, especially in the test? Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you will keep writing more posts.

Unknown said...

Hello , i have i have a certificate of hoiva avustaja in finish , do I need to do yki testi ?

Random Finnish Lesson / Hanna Männikkölahti said...

Is it ammatillinen perustutkinto, and did you complete the degree in Finnish?

Unknown said...

Yes I did it in Finnish .

Anonymous said...

Kiitos tästä Hanna!

Mun YKI testi on vähän yli kuukauden päästä ja voi että jännittää. Ilmoittauduin juuri tänään ja mietin koko ajan oliko se hyvä päätös. Tulen lukemaan kaikki sun YKI materiaalit. Toivota mulle onnea, sitä mä tarvitsen eniten :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I failed in the test and I was looking for some comments about felling sad for failure. But as all internet just people that have passed share their experiences.

James Zicrov said...

Thank you so much for putting up this blogpost about the importance of taking up different tests.I just want to ask how are these tests different from A1,A2 or B1.

B1 English Test for Citizenship