Friday, May 15, 2015

How to orienteer in Finnish

Suunnistus is my new favourite hobby! It's cheap, fun, and exciting. You can do it anywhere in Finland and even with small kids. Most people seem to run while orienteering, but it is totally fine to walk and just enjoy the nature and the atmosphere of being part of the big crowd searching for the control points. I check my orienteering events here. You should be able to find suitable events by simply googling for the town name and kuntorastit or iltarastit.

You don't have to talk much while orienteering, but you do have to interact with other people in order to get the map in the beginning.

This is what I usually say:

Once you have the map, you have to sign up by saying your own name in Lähtö (Start) unless you have an EMIT control card, in which case you just punch it and start the race, I think. Remember to go to Maali (Finish) when you have completed the route, so that the organizers don't think that you got lost in the forest

If you have no idea where you are on the map, this is what you can ask a fellow orienteer:

EDIT: During the pandemic, you can buy the map online and you can orienteer whenever you want as long as the control points are still on the ground. 

Lue ja katso lisää:

Rasti on piilossa kiven takana.

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About the author of this blog:

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. You can contact me through You can subscribe to this blog from the right-hand banner.