Thursday, January 3, 2019

A new podcast episode: Neulominen

Here's a small post to remind you about my podcast:

My goal is to speak about different topics in relatively easy Finnish.
Of course, my podcast isn't super easy, but I'd say that it should definitely be easier to understand than regular radio talk.

In the newest episode, I'm talking with my friend Emmi about her hobby, knitting:

Pieni sanasto - A small vocabulary:

  • käsityöt - handcraft
  • harrastus - a hobby
  • neuloa - to knit
  • lanka  - a yarn
  • kudos, neule - a stitch
  • puikko  - a knitting needle
  • villa - wool
  • sukka - a sock
  • kansalaisopisto - a folk high school, and adult education center
  • värjätä - to dye, to colour
  • kasvi - a plant
  • taito - a skill
  • sormivirkata - to crochet with a finger
  • nyöri - a string
  • tupsu - a pompom

Emmin kasveilla ja marjoilla värjäämät langat roikkuvat narullla metsässä.
Emmi's yarns dyed with berries and plants hang on a string in a forest. 
Kuva: Emmi L.


About the author of this blog:  

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti, and I am a native Finn who gives private lessons via Skype and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please leave a comment, if you have something to ask about Finnish or novels in easy Finnish.

Lue selkokirja. Se voi olla yllättävän helppoa ja kivaa!

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