I have designed an online course to help and encourage you to read Numeroruuhka in easy Finnish this May. I’d love for you to join the course!
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Minä ja Numeroruuhka-selkokirja |
What kind of a book is it?
The original book was written by Eve Hietamies, and I have rewritten it in easy Finnish. Numeroruuhka is the fourth book in the so-called Yösyöttö series. Antti Pasanen is a 50-year-old journalist and a single dad to 10-year-old Paavo Pasanen. The book follows Antti’s life, including his challenges with his girlfriend Enni, his father’s recovery from a stroke, and his work as a journalist.
You can read this book even if you haven’t read the previous ones. I will also provide a short summary of what has happened in Antti’s life before Numeroruuhka. You can take a look at a sample here.
Here’s a post I wrote about Numeroruuhka when it was first published in 2023:
Content of the course
- read an entire book in easy Finnish
- learn new words and grammar structures
- develop good reading habits so that you can read more books
The course includes
- pre-recorded videos by me discussing the book and its grammar
- pre-recorded videos by me reading aloud a couple of chapters each week
- a Finnish-English vocabulary on Memrise
- multiple choice questions about the book
- super fun word search puzzles
- chatting about the book in a closed Telegram group
- two meetings on Zoom, held on Sunday evenings at 8 pm Finnish time
- May 11, when everybody has already started to read the book.
- June 1, when everybody has hopefully finished the book.
The price and how to sign up for the course
- The early bird price is €35, if you sign up by April 1. After that, the price of the course is €40.
- Send me an email at hanna.mannikkolahti@gmail.com to sign up for the course.
- I will send you an invoice and share the course material with you on Google Drive.
- You can borrow the book from the library or buy it through bit.ly/tilaaselkokirjoja.
- Registration ends on April 30th.
Luetaan yhdessä Numeroruuhka toukokuussa
- etukäteen kuvattuja opetusvideoita
- videoita, joilla luen kirjaa ääneen
- monivalintakysymyksiä
- suomi-englanti-sanasto
- sanasokkeloita
- keskustelua suljetussa Telegram-ryhmässä
- kaksi Zoom-tapaamista
- 11.5., kun kaikki ovat jo aloittaneet lukemisen
- 1.6., kun kaikki ovat toivottavasti lukeneet kirjan loppuun
Hinta ja ilmoittautuminen
- Kurssi maksaa 40 €. Varhaisen ostajan hinta on 35 €, jos ilmoittaudut mukaan 1.4. mennessä.
- Lähetä minulle sähköpostia hanna.mannikkolahti@gmail.com ja ilmoittaudu kurssille.
- Lähetän sinulle laskun ja jaan kurssimateriaalin Google Drivessä.
- Voit lainata kirjan kirjastosta tai ostaa sen bit.ly/tilaaselkokirja-lomakkeen kautta.
- Ilmoittautuminen loppuu 30.4.
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