Audio material + excercises
- Basic level listening exercises
- Intermediate level listening exercises
- Advanced level listening exercises
- Suomikoulujen YKI-harjoituksia (Scroll down for kuullun ymmärtäminen)
- Askelia aktiivisuuteen (Different listening exercises and texts)
- Kiitäjät kotopolulla (Material for advanced learners)
- Meillä päin Suomea (Material about Finnish dialects)
Video material, usually with subtitles
- My Random Finnish Lesson podcast on Soundcloud and on Spotify
- My old podcast on Mixcloud
- Finking Cap Podcast
- Jutan juttuja Helsingistä (You can also read the texts)
- Fantastic Finnish - Kierrä kanssani kalenterin ympäri
- Opi suomea -podcast
- Elämää suomeksi -podcast
- Kahvitarinoita
- Puhutaan suomea -podcast
Things to read and listen to at the same time
- Selkosanomat
- Yle news in easy Finnish (The radio broadcast is the same as the text.)
- Finnish national gallery Ateneum guide in easy Finnish. Scroll down to see the paintings.
- Finnished videos and subtitles on YouTube
- Asiointisuomea (Finnish in different customer situations)
- Ykköskolumni columns on Yle website. Read the text here and listen to the podcast here.
Please leave a comment if you know other useful listening links, and I will update this post.
Kiitos ��
Kiitos 😊
Kiitos! :-)
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