Monday, May 6, 2024

Opeton and Opetonbot (AI language learning apps for practicing Finnish)

I have a new episode on my podcast! I interviewed Patrik Holopainen about his language learning app Opeton. For freestyle Finnish practice, there's Opetonbot.


The idea of Opeton is that the student and the AI teacher chat (actually talk) in the app about various topics. You can try out Opeton for free for 30 minutes (at once or in segments, and you can choose from different languages) and then subscribe for a month (approximately 10 €) or a year (approximately 60 €) if you want to continue with it. I use for my own language studies, and it's so much fun!

First, you choose a language, a level, and a daily goal in minutes. Then you choose the conversation you want to have with Opeton, and give them a call. You can read the same line that Opeton says, but if you don't understand, you can listen to the line again or read the translation. If you have no idea how to reply, there is an example button, and you can just read aloud what Opeton suggests. It is so much fun. 

I was so excited about the topic that I forgot my podcast is supposed to be in easy-ish Finnish. Sorry about that! However, I've included the questions in the episode description, so hopefully they'll help you understand. 

My podcast is also on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

I asked Patrik these questions:

  1. Kuka olet ja mitä teet? Who are you and what do you do?
  2. Mitä olet opiskellut ja missä asut? What have you studied and where do you live?
  3. Miten päädyit kehittämään Opeton-sovelluksen? How did you end up developing the Opeton application?
  4. Milloin aloitit Opetonin kehittämisen? When did you start developing Opeton?
  5. Miten Opeton eroaa muista samantyyppisistä sovelluksista? How does Opeton differ from other similar applications?
  6.  Millaisia algoritmeja ja tekniikoita Opeton käyttää puheentunnistukseen ja kielen ymmärtämiseen? What kind of algorithms and techniques does Opeton use for speech recognition and language understanding?
  7. Muistaako Opeton, mitä minä olen sanonut? Does Opeton remember what I've said?
  8. Kertooko Opeton toisille käyttäjille, mitä minä olen sanonut? Does Opeton tell other users what I've said?
  9. Millaista palautetta olette saaneet käyttäjiltä? What kind of feedback have you received from users?
  10. Millaisia tulevaisuudensuunnitelmia tai tavoitteita Opetonilla on? What kind of future plans or goals does Opeton have?


About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.

1 comment:

Loren Echevarria said...

Kuinka paljon se maksaa?