Monday, March 24, 2025

What is a book in easy Finnish?

 I made a new video about books in easy Finnish: 

If you follow this blog, you probably know what they are and why reading is such a great way to study Finnish. However, I know that there are many students who have never heard of selkokirjat, so that's why I keep posting about them. 

It's not always easy to find time or motivation for reading, but luckily I have a course for you: Join Luetaan Numeroruuhka toukokuussa and read a book in May. :) The early bird prize is €35, if you sign up before April 1. After that, the prize is €40. I already have one person who has signed up, and there's still plenty of time before the registration ends on April 31.

One more video: Here's me showing how the Memrise course about Numeroruuhka works:


About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here 

Friday, March 21, 2025

Muusikko Aija Puurtinen vieraana Random Finnish Lesson -podcastissa

Aija Puurtinen oli vieraana podcastissani! 

Voit kuunnella jakson

    Voit myös katsoa haastattelun YouTubesta:

Pieni suomi-englanti-sanasto

  1. valmistua - to graduate
  2. toimia valmentajana - to work as a coach
  3. taiteellinen - artistic
  4. luottamustehtävä - a position of trust
  5. apurahasäätiö - a grant foundation
  6. kirjoittaa suosituksia - to write recommendations
  7. viikoittainen - weekly
  8. hallinnolliset tehtävät - administrative tasks
  9. säveltää - to compose
  10. käydä keikoilla - to go on gigs
  11. yhtye - a band
  12. olla vetovastuussa - to be in charge
  13. määritellä aikataulut - to set schedules
  14. sovittu - agreed
  15. ura - a career
  16. polku - a path
  17. rikastaa - to enrich
  18. olla koulutuksen kannalla - to be in favor of education
  19. samanhenkinen - like-minded
  20. vertaistuki - peer support
  21. keskustelukumppani - a conversation partner
  22. verkostoitua alan ihmisten kanssa - to network with industry professionals
  23. vastaisku - a counterattack
  24. tyrmäys - a knockout
  25. päästä uralla eteenpäin - to advance in one's career
  26. haaveilla - to dream
  27. ilman muuta - absolutely
  28. parantua -to improve, to recover
  29. ilmainen - free
  30. kehittää - to develop
  31. yhdenvertaisuus - equality, non-discrimination
  32. tasa-arvo - equity, gender equality
  33. myöntää - to grant, to acknowledge
  34. toisaalta - on the other hand
  35. arvostus - appreciation, respect
  36. valtion tuki - government support
  37. vähentyä - to decrease
  38. haasteellinen - challenging
  39. päätoiminen muusikko - a full-time musician
  40. henkilökohtainen - personal
  41. taustanauha - a backing track
  42. elämäntapa - lifestyle
  43. käydä läpi - to go through
  44. esiintyä - to perform
  45. varalaulaja - a backup singer, a stand-in singer
  46. kulissit - backstage, scenery
  47. avata ääntä - to warm up one's voice
  48. luovuus - creativity
  49. keskittyä - to focus
  50. yhteistyö - collaboration
  51. yleisö - an audience
  52. kiinnostus - an interest
  53. yhteydenotto - a contact
  54. solisti - a soloist
  55. kiehtova - fascinating
  56. kuoro - a choir
  57. levytys - a recording
  58. taltiointi - a documentation, a recording

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Using 'Superhabits' for studying Finnish

I'm going to take the intermediate YKI exam in Swedish this year. My goal is to pass it, and maybe even get 4s. Most importantly, I want to feel confident in my Swedish when I travel to Sweden next fall.

My newest easy Finnish adaptation Banaanitalo is about to be published very soon, and I’ll have some promoting to do among the Swedish Finns (ruotsinsuomalaiset). I'll be talking about the book in Finnish, but in other situations, I want to use Swedish instead of English. 

What is Superhabits?

I just heard about this super cool habits website from my student who designed it, and I’m inviting you to use it with me! In short, you can set your own habits and decide how many times a week you want to follow them. You can keep your habits private or turn it into a friendly competition by sharing them with others.

These are my habits for studying Swedish. You can use the same habits tracker for Finnish.

Save the link to your bookmarks and to the home screen of your phone.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What is KAJ?

Yes, I'm obsessed wth KAJ and here's a post about the humour group. If you also like KAJ, make sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow them on Instagram. And don't forget to check out different translations of Bara bada bastu on LyricsTranslate!

In short, KAJ is a Finnish band who will represent Sweden in the Eurovision song contest. They sing in Swedish, which is their mother tongue.

KAJ performing at Melodifestivalen on March 8:

KAJ hears the Melodifestivalen results:

KAJ (or KJ, as one of the members couldn't make it)
 in 'Efter nio' in March 3. 
The interview is in Swedish, 
but you can read the subtitles in Finnish

KAJ singing Nissan bromsa (Nessun Dorma cover) in 2018

KAJ singing about having a nice evening at home eating tacos in 2016

If you want to read about KAJ in Finnish, here's an interview in Maaseudun tulevaisuus from 2020. Yle has collected all the Eurovision articles here

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

Sunday, March 9, 2025

An online course in Finnish: Read 'Numeroruuhka' in May

I have designed an online course to help and encourage you to read Numeroruuhka in easy Finnish this May. I’d love for you to join the course!

What kind of a book is it?

The original book was written by Eve Hietamies, and I have rewritten it in easy Finnish. Numeroruuhka is the fourth book in the so-called Yösyöttö series. Antti Pasanen is a 50-year-old journalist and a single dad to 10-year-old Paavo Pasanen. The book follows Antti’s life, including his challenges with his girlfriend Enni, his father’s recovery from a stroke, and his work as a journalist.

You can read this book even if you haven’t read the previous ones. I will also provide a short summary of what has happened in Antti’s life before Numeroruuhka. You can take a look at a sample here

Here’s a post I wrote about Numeroruuhka when it was first published in 2023:

Watch a video of me talking about the course: 

Content of the course

During the course, you will

  • read an entire book in easy Finnish
  • learn new words and grammar structures
  • develop good reading habits so that you can read more books

The course includes
  • pre-recorded videos by me discussing the book and its grammar 
  • pre-recorded videos by me reading aloud a couple of chapters each week
  • a Finnish-English vocabulary on Memrise
  • multiple choice questions about the book
  • super fun word search puzzles
  • chatting about the book in a closed Telegram group
  • two meetings on Zoom, held on Sunday evenings at 8 pm Finnish time
    • May 11, when everybody has already started to read the book.
    • June 1, when everybody has hopefully finished the book.

The price and how to sign up for the course

  • The early bird price is €35, if you sign up by April 1. After that, the price of the course is €40.
  • Send me an email at to sign up for the course. 
  • I will send you an invoice and share the course material with you on Google Drive. 
  • You can borrow the book from the library or buy it through
  • Registration ends on April 30th. 

Lyhyesti suomeksi: 

Luetaan yhdessä Numeroruuhka toukokuussa

Olen suunnitellut kurssin, joka auttaa ja kannustaa lukemaan Numeroruuhka-selkokirjan toukokuun aikana. 

Kurssiin kuuluu 
  • etukäteen kuvattuja opetusvideoita
  • videoita, joilla luen kirjaa ääneen
  • monivalintakysymyksiä
  • suomi-englanti-sanasto
  • sanasokkeloita
  • keskustelua suljetussa Telegram-ryhmässä
  • kaksi Zoom-tapaamista

Zoom-tapaamiset ovat sunnuntai-iltaisin klo 20.00
  • 11.5., kun kaikki ovat jo aloittaneet lukemisen
  • 1.6., kun kaikki ovat toivottavasti lukeneet kirjan loppuun

Hinta ja ilmoittautuminen

  • Kurssi maksaa 40 €. Varhaisen ostajan hinta on 35 €, jos ilmoittaudut mukaan 1.4. mennessä.
  • Lähetä minulle sähköpostia ja ilmoittaudu kurssille.
  • Lähetän sinulle laskun ja jaan kurssimateriaalin Google Drivessä. 
  • Voit lainata kirjan kirjastosta tai ostaa sen kautta. 
  • Ilmoittautuminen loppuu 30.4.

Tervetuloa kurssille!

Minä ja Numeroruuhka-selkokirja

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here