- Missä ne meidän eilen ostamat keksit on? - Where are the cookies that we bought yesterday? (A word by word translation would be Where those ours yesterday bought cookies is?)
The agent participle is formed with
- the verb stem (strong grade, if there is a consonant change)
- the participle marker ma/mä
- a possible plural marker t or i
- a possible case ending
- a possessive suffix, if you want to use the written language
Like this:
- ostamamme = the ones that we bought (standard Finnish)
- meidän ostamat = the ones that we bought (spoken Finnish)
- ostamissamme = in the ones that we bought (standard Finnish)
- meidän ostamissa = in the ones that we bought (spoken Finnish)
Example sentences in spoken language:
- Leipoa > leipoma > Missä se mun eilen leipoma kakku on? - Where's the cake that I baked yesterday?
- Antaa > antama > Kiitos siitä sun antamasta kirjasta. - Thank you for the book that you gave me.
- Tehdä > tekemä > Mun äidin tekemät lihapullat on parempia kuin nämä. - My mom's meatballs are better than these ones. (The meatballs made by my mother.)
- Suositella > suosittelema > Me syötiin siinä Annan suosittelemassa ravintolassa. - We ate at the restaurant that Anna recommended.
In written language, add the correct possessive suffix after the ma or mä:
- Missä ne meidän eilen ostamamme keksit ovat? (Notice how the plural t disappears before the possessive suffix. The same thing happens to the genitive n, but don't worry too much about it.)
- Kiitos siitä sinun antamastasi kirjasta! - Thanks for the book that you gave me!
We actually buy cookies quite often, but my son rarely sees them. I usually answer something lame like Ne syödään sitten, kun isoäiti tulee kylään. - We'll eat them when grandma comes to visit. or then I'll try to distract him with the classic Hei katso, tuolla on orava! - Hey look, there's a squirrel!
p.s. Are you already familiar with the other participles?
About the author of Random Finnish Lesson:
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.
Äiti syö näkkileipää, ei Fazerin Sinistä.
Greetings. This comment is much to do with your topic above, but I was wondering if you could address the MA - tenses = massa, masta, maan - as part of Verbit Substantiivi. Thanks. :-)
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