Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to use the Finnish words 'mielellään', 'mieluummin' and 'mieluiten'

How to say that you prefer something in Finnish? Or do something rather than something else? Here are some useful expressions with mielellään, mieluummin and mieluiten. All those forms origin from mieli.

mielellään (+possessive suffix)

The forms with possessive suffixes:

  • mielelläni (minä)
  • mielelläsi (sinä)
  • mielellään (hän)
  • mielellämme (me)
  • mielellänne (te)
  • mielellään (he)
  • Käyn mieluummin suihkussa aamulla kuin illalla. - I'd rather take a shower in the morning than in the evening. 
  • Menen mieluummin naisten vuorolla saunaan. - I'd rather go to the sauna when it's ladies' turn.

  • Istun mieluiten alalauteella. - I prefer sitting on the lower bench.
  • Tästä lähtien käyn mieluiten saunassa yksin. - From now on, I prefer taking a sauna alone. 

Other possible form is mieluimmin, but mieluiten is used more in spoken language.

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.  If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here


avvakum said...

This is such a wonderful blog for folks like me learning Finnish. If you can manage, please keep it up! As someone who has been blogging on a regular basis for six years, I know how hard that is.

Random Finnish Lesson / Hanna Männikkölahti said...

Thanks for the feedback! I also use this blog to support my teaching, so I should be keeping it up - unless I manage to reach the end of Finnish! :)

Olu said...

Luckly Finnish is "un-finished" :) Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Consider mieleinen, mieluumpi and mieluisin when thinking about the words.

Anonymous said...

Kiitos paljon, tämä tieto on todella hyödyllinen.🤗